Superstitious beliefs of leap year

Just leap into the leap year
Without any doubt or  fear
29 Feb  comes   after 4 years once
Celebrations to rejoice no chance

No year abounds without joyful tear
Unjust to assign motives only  to leap year
No year devoid of Joy and sorrow
Why postpone events for next year,for a  better tomorrow

 Coincidences  not rule even if rare
The speculation in mind need to be beware
Births  ,deaths    Celebrations  are normal to follow
Avoid to entertain bad  omens to swallow

 Divorces in leap year   be the cause?
Will births  end in deaths without  a  pause
No particular year offers perfect  safety net
Superstitious  beliefs always  prevail I bet

The world will not stop on 29 February
Being born on that day is a worry
Annual celebrations will not be  a joy
Wait for 4 years  officially  birthday  to enjoy

Statistical  coincidences  are figures at best
To strengthen beliefs and to
Scientifically it is correction of rotation  of period of earth
Superstitions plenty  abound , no dearth

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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