
 Remembering Aquino Braganca (b. 6 April 1924), who fought for freedom
     of the former Portuguese colonies in Africa. An online tribute
     http://aquinobraganca.wordpress.com/ (includes many historical
             references, some photographs and documents)




An England in India goes to the polls
1 Apr 2009 
Tarun Vijay
Times of India

After six decades of independence, India is virtually ruled by a lady who is 
originally a westerner and doesn’t have a command of any Indian language unless 
supported by a written text in Roman. And she has become the only hope to bring 
back the remnants of what was once a grand old Congress party led by Mahatma 
Gandhi back to power through her speeches in broken Hindi addressed to India’s 
predominant rural voters. 

She is credited with having helped the Congress win 145 Lok Sabha seats and 
26.21% votes in elections held in 2000, became the head of a 219-member 
coalition drawn from 16 parties and ruled India from her home with Manmohan 
Singh acting as her nominee Prime Minister. So much so that an American embassy 
publication spread out her picture on one full page and Manmohan Singh was 
relegated to a corner passport size. It created embarrassment and corrections 
were made in later editions. 

The flexibility of Indian voters, if one can describe this attribute modestly, 
is amazing. The west’s overpowering influence in recent times can be said to 
have begun in 1615, with a visit of Sir Thomas Roe, England's first official 
ambassador to India, who secured privileges for the East India Company from 
Jehangir, son of Akbar. 

India would never be the same again. 

The east, the far-east and the immediate neighbourhood, once such a hub of 
Indian cultural influence that it became known as Indochina, was turned to 
lesser importance and faded away from Indian priorities. It was only after five 
decades of independence that a look-east policy was devised but it still 
remains feeble compared with our western fixations. 

The presence of a colonial power that set the cultural agenda too and gave new 
westward dreams of an upwardly mobile life to a common Indian drove the Indian 
journey and fixed our dreams to Vilayat. 

It seriously affected the status of our languages. Once a nation that had the 
most scientific and ancient language, Sanskrit, perfect on parameters of 
grammar, vocabulary and phonetics, and had preserved the age-old reservoir of 
Hindu wisdom and scholarship – India was 80% literate before the British rule, 
with astounding contributions in astronomy, mathematics, life sciences, arts 
and theatre, literature, sea warfare, and mind-boggling wonders in 
architectural superiority, all attained in languages common Indians knew and 
spoke – India is run on a language that was never hers, was in fact imposed 
through coercion  shutting the old and time-tested centres of Indian learning 
calling them as “dead, useless centres of obscurantism”. 

The new contemporary rulers of any variety or colour or ideology, look at 
Sanskrit and other Indian languages with disdain and would never prescribe 
books of ancient wisdom like Vedas or the Upanishads to be taught in Indian 
schools under a heritage programme fearing loss of Muslim votes. 

Bharat, the glorified “golden bird” famous in Arabic and Greek fables, has 
become a poor translation of Romanized western elitist ideas. An India, that’s 
what it is known as. 

Though the world over our ancient books are highly respected as the gift of 
India, India and her politicians take them as merely Hindu scriptures, that may 
invite the wrath of the minorities if promoted through state apparatus and 
patronage. Though Sanskrit remains the language of solemnizing birth, marriage 
and ensuring a heaven-bound journey after death, an upwardly mobile elite of 
Gurgaon-Bangalore variety won’t have time or inclination to understand it. It’s 
of no use – no employment, no social status, no political benefit is gained 
through it. 

In any elite circle of decision making, whether it is governance, media, arts 
and culture or literature, it’s simply elevating and profitable too, to shun 
speaking an Indian language and use English with a foreign accent to register a 
powerful presence and of course facilitate success. And more the American 
slang, the more “awfully impressive” it becomes. 

Newspapers and magazines compete with each other to publish on their front 
pages any garbage churned out by any author recognized and awarded in Britain 
or New York, but never ever they would give that space and honour to an Indian 
language writer of greater eminence. 

This change in the contours of Indian political scene and social behaviour has 
occurred so subtly that mostly it has been either ignored or taken as a natural 
phenomenon of modern progressivism and a sign of India surging ahead. 

Indian rulers boast to have more English speaking people than the United 
Kingdom and invite foreign investments underlining  “Sir, we have the largest 
number of work force that understands English”. 

When an Indian launched a new expensive brand in undergarments, it was named 
Euro and the other one was Dollar. A “masses’ car” manufacturer, named it the 
way a foreigner would understand rather than an Indian. 

We still love to call the rule of the imperialist British with a simple 
three-letter word: Raj. In Hindi Raj means the Rule. So those who propagated 
and accepted this usage for the British time in India, they wanted to assert 
that if there was anything that can be called as a Rule of Law, it was only 
during the British rule. 

An Indian employee attired in dhoti-kurta is still not looked upon approvingly 
in India’s offices as an acceptable dress code and if he speaks English, his 
virtues would be described like this: though he dresses like a villager, he 
speaks fluent English, must be highly educated, you know. 

Anything related to Indian villages is considered naturally backward, 
obscurantist and in south Delhi’s chic parlance “ethnic”. Indian judges love to 
adorn Victorian headgear and barristers and lawyers use the same old black coat 
and white pants while arguing, though they may be sweating profusely in an 
Indian summer. (Ironically Britain’s lord chief justice, Lord Phillips, felt 
last year that wigs contribute to the public view of judges as fusty and out of 
touch and that their wardrobe was, in fact, ridiculous). 

To get admission to any area of a respectable vogue – from IAS to medicine – or 
seeking a driving license to a railway ticket issued through the internet, you 
must know English. At airports, tickets and boarding passes are all invariably 
in English, because the rulers are sure those who can afford air travel must be 
from an English-friendly environment. All medicines are labelled in that 
language of “acceptable” excellence and if a doctor, (I know a few) has his 
letterhead printed in Hindi, he makes’ news’, being an off-track, exceptional 

But still he can’t write his prescription in a language that his patient 
understands. To be computer-savvy means to be English-friendly. This atrocious 
situation has denied access to the new technology to millions of Indian 
language speakers, who are still waiting for software that will help them use 
the “machine of progress”. No party has ever seriously tried to facilitate the 
“real masses” use information technology in their own languages. 

From Kashmir to Kozhikode and Tirap to Tanakpur, English-speaking coaching 
centres and books and special training modules have come up. Even bus tickets 
are printed in English and the administration and political party offices work 
in that language of the colonialists whom our nationalist leaders once 
described as “looters, robbers and the wretched beasts who brought havoc on us 
and divided our motherland”. Our aircraft still exhibit two letters to denote 
their territory and they are VT. It means Viceroy’s Territory. 

So, this India that quotes British examples to reinforce its debates on the 
Indian constitution, quotes British laws to explain Indian Acts, showcases 
British parliamentarian traditions to correct Indian parliament’s behaviour, 
and goes to the polls to elect a new government that would lead us to a new 

This situation has influenced and changed our habits and world view. The great 
reservoir of Indian stories has been subtly replaced with Archie and Roald 
Dahl. Bedtime stories of grand ma, reflecting indigenous culture and world view 
through well-preserved oral traditions have almost vanished. 

Indian newspapers publish only the western comic strips thus widening the 
perceptional gap with the east, which was always much closer to our cultural 
moors and worldview. The good, nice and admired faces and idioms and parameters 
of progress and scholarship are all transferred to New York, London and Sydney. 
Sunday papers’ marriage columns still show a great preference for 
“convent-educated girl fluent in English”. 

If someone lists out the public issues of concern and the responses to them of 
the Anglicized elite and the rest, it will appear that the divide is too clear. 
It would be pronouncedly predictable. Like on Kashmiri Hindus, Ayodhya, 
religious conversions and jihad. The English speaking majority and the rest 
would represent two different worlds. 

How is it changing India? Can it affect the age-old soul and fragrance so 
distinct and special that couldn’t be subdued during the onslaughts of last 
several centuries of foreign assaults? 

The answer is no. 

Like an old grand mansion, the old layers of Indian society may be showing some 
cracks in some precipices with aging de-plastered walls and faded colours as we 
see in Jaisalmer fort, but Indians have also shown an amazing talent to use the 
alien impositions to bolster the nationalist causes too. 

If it was the social reform and a renaissance led by English-speaking Indian 
giants, it’s the new world of technology and science that’s being mastered by 
Indians on English wings. On the contrary some other religious groups missed 
the bus due to a fundamentalist rigidity and a late awakening. 

The day when Indians will run India on the strength of Indian languages is 
still too far and not exactly on the agenda of even the Hindu nationalist 
political groups who have willy-nilly yielded to the prevalent importance of 

But the real India is yet too far to be overwhelmed by this factor. English 
newspapers haven’t exceeded a daily combined circulation of 10 million while 
Indian language media sells 33 million copies a day. The Indian bazaar is still 
dominated by Indian languages and no party leader; however elitist he might be, 
can afford to seek votes in English. So the language of seeking peoples’ 
mandate remains Indian while the language of power centres has invariably 

Though in some quarters, Sanskrit is seeing an amazing revival and currency, 
even in areas where Hindi is opposed for political reasons. The astounding 
success of Sanskrit Bharati, without having any state patronage, which is a 
case study for researchers, it still is miles away from having a principal 
space of trade and governance, a prerequisite for a language’s ascendancy to 

With this divide a new youthful India, 60% under 40 years of age, is gearing up 
to vote for her future. 

(The author is director of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee Research Foundation) 



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