On March 6th, the people of Panaji will elect their new Corporators to the
Corporation of City of Panaji (CCP). The current team who were elected in
March 2011 has failed on all fronts. Their internal politics and feud has
taken centre stage as the city of Panaji has only further decayed.

Panaji’s infrastructure is crumbling, the solution to the garbage crisis is
not in sight while the increasing number of stray dogs and cattle is an
issue that has also remained unattended.  The current team has failed to
even resolve the long pending infamous multi crore market scam.  For
reasons known to all the CCP has only been giving licences for new high
rise buildings on a war footing.

The now much talked about Smart City concept was yet another illusory
daydream and just one more additional window of opportunity for the ruling
politicians to pocket some extra mega bucks.

The CCP desperately needs a full time Commissioner to take the city
forward. As part of a healthy democratic strategy, there is a need to
constitute an Advisory Committee of local citizens to plan and to monitor
the developmental works in each ward, thus ensuring quality control in
every work tendered and executed.

At the Panchayat level, the gram sabhas enable the public to question and
monitor the actions and misdeeds of their elected representatives. But at
the Corporation of City of Panaji and the other municipal councils there is
no mechanism in place giving the public a forum to seek accountability of
those elected. The CCP meetings may be open to the public but this is
meaningless as the citizens cannot participate in the proceedings. The CCP
Act needs to be amended to ensure that all the development projects are
placed for public discussion and scrutiny before being approved. The people
have a right to be heard and should be empowered to decide the priorities
in their respective wards

The thrust ahead should be towards Zero tolerance to Corruption and
Nepotism at the CCP. . Every citizen is entitled to transparency and
accountability in respect of every paisa spent from the coffers. That the
CCP coffers which should have been overflowing are empty is another issue.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



You can also reach me on

Facebook.com/ AiresRodrigues



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