  The report by Godfrey Gonsalves below is factually correct.
  In addition:
  1.Mr. wilson Mazarello wondered if the Congress men were unable to think for 
themselves and hence needed a "Vichar Vibhag" [Intellectual Cell] led by Adv. 
Uday Bhembre. He asked the Congress MLAs to introduce the Bill to Amend the 
Official Language Act, 1987 [A legally vetted 'draft' of the Bill has been 
circulated to all interested persons] or face the wrath of the Tiatrists and 
the people of Goa.
  2. Mr. Ulhas Buyao said if the Congress MLAs do not support the Amendment 
now, they will have to face a tiatrist in each of the 40 constituencies during 
the next Assembly election.
  3. Adv. Mike Mehta quoted the Franco-German story "The Last Lesson" saying 
that those who forget their mother tongue cannot remember their nation. He said 
that tiatrists like him are not second class citizens: they have kept the 
language alive even when there were no newspapers or books in Konkani.
  4.Fr. Vasco do Rego,sj, remeinded the people that the faithfull, both clergy 
and the laity, for the church of God. A few priests do not represent the 
church; neither he nor those favouring Devanagri [CFD], and cannot express the 
"mind of the church". No government has the right to trample on the wishes of 
the people. In saying so in a public forum, I am only fulfilling my 'prophetic' 
role as a priest. If I do not fight against this injustice, I will be 
abdicating my responsibility and duty as a minister of God.
  5. Fr. Kyriel de Souza,sfx, said " All Catholics are for Devanagri AND All 
Catholics are for Roman Script. We are all for Konkani" He asked his 
parishioners if they new anything about the group CFD and they all said "No!" I 
ask students who read prayers in the church if I should write them in 
Devanangri and they say " No, father, it is easier to read them in Roaman 
script'. Sionce all the children study English in school, they find the Roman 
script easier.
  6. Fr. Pratap Naik,sj, said "I am not a 'poojari' who does only pooja. As a 
minister of god, I have also a prohetic role to proclaim the truth and fight 
against injustice. We have to get official recognition for Konkani to remove 
the inequality among the people. Seven persons have been martyred for the cause 
of Konkani. If I am martyred also, I will gladly be the eighth martyr for my 
mother tongue, Konkani." He reminded the people that Marathi is not the enemy 
of the Konkani speakers, the Marathi newspapers, specially Pudari have been 
very sympathetic to the cause. It was Sunaparant that was doing the damamge. In 
an article carried in the Sunaparant Subhash Velingkar has even questioned the 
role of St.Francis Xavier "Is he a saint or a satan?" is the title of the 
  Miguel Braganza
  godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in VascokarsUnited :
    In a move that has surely pulverised the "ONLY FOR
Laxmikant Bhembre, Advocate, ex Independent, MLA of
Margao, and present Convenor of 'Vichar Vibhag' of the
Indian National Congress the newly constituted
TIATRIST AKADEMi with convenor Prince Jacob held an
impressive meeting today Tuesday 25th July, 2006 at
the T B Cunha Hall at 10.30 a.m.

In his inaugural speech Prince Jacob reminded the
audience that it was the Tiatrist fraternity that kept
the language and script glowing even after the
Official Language Act 1987 which placed a small
'definition' in the Act wherein Konkani " means in
Devanagari script" was clandestinely introduced.

He made it clear that despite the press distorting
news and views -- he and the tiatrists are for both
Devanagari and Roman script and they should give this
fact an exclusive bold letter headlines. 

He virtually shredded Mr Uday L Bhembre into mince
meat when he refuted his allegations that "Prince was
too young to understand the nitty gritty of language
and script issue". He reminded Mr Bhembre that during
Mr Bhembre's election campaign it is the same Bhembre
who took his support and moved with him around the
constituency -- was he then not a kid? Prince
jocularly remarked -- even at the height of the
language agitation more specifically on the historic
meet of 14th November 1986 that it was the tiatrists
including himself that actually enthused the gathering
before Mr Bhembre and his ilk came to make their
"Bhashana" ----was he then a kid? 

(It may be recalled that Mr Bhembre took Rs 1000/ as
car allowance from the KPA funds donated for the cause
of Konkani every time he visited Panaji office this
was clarified by Mr Mathany Saldhana MLA Cortalim. He
has not denied this statement till date)

As regards the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman he made it
clear that the lay persons moved with the times -- the
Latin Mass was done away with and the peoples language
Konkani in Roman script took its place and continues
till date. Whether in English or Konkani, Roman script is the
Universal script and not only that of the Catholics as
is made out to be.

Prince Jacob, then read out the letter of appeal
dated 22nd July 2006, on behalf of the 'Tiatrists
Akademi' circulated to all the forty elected
representatives of the Goa Legislative Assembly the
Members of Parliament asking them to attend today's
meeting and express their committment to bring about
an amendment to the official Language Act 1987 to
insert the words " /Roman" script in the definition of
Konkani or face the wrath of the tiatrists at the
hustings. We will have dharna's in front of the MLA's
houses as the next part of the agitation and he also
warned that 40 tiatrists may contest the next
elections if the amendment was not brought about.

Incidentally, it became clear only 16th/18th August
2005 following a letter received (by Mr Eric Ozario,
President Karnataka Konkani Sahitya Academy, Managalore
from the Sahitya Akademi (National Academy of Letters
) New Delhi that the 10 member Advisory Board (1978 -
1983) for Konkani (each of the languages recognised
as independent languages in India have a 10 member
Advisory Board that decides in matters relating to the
development etc of language 
had at its meeting held on 21st November, 1981 at
New Delhi UNANIMOUSLY recommended that DEVNAGARI

This was the cancerous beginning of the votaries of 
slowly but surely eliminate Konkani in Roman script.
These members also literally fooled the Archdiocese of
Goa and Daman heirarchy and unfortunately got the
certificate of merit as 'secularists' due to their
friendly overtures.

The members were 
a) Mr Ravindra Kelekar Convenor
b) Mr Uday Laxmikant Bhembre 
c) Mr Chandrakant Keni 
d) Dr Manoharrai L Sardessai
e) Mr Bakibab Borkar
f) Dr D Sukhtankar
g) Fr. William R Da Silva/ replaced later by Dr R V Pandit
h) Fr Antonio Pereira
i) Mr V. P Saldanha (Mangalore)
j) Mr N Purushottam Mallya (Kerala) 
eight of them were hardcore votaries of "ONLY FOR
damaging resolution.

The saddest part is none of our elected Members of
Parliament present or past ever knew of this vital and
damaging document and some of them are not aware of
this document till this date. 

Most of those familiar with Konkani in Roman script
too were not aware of this damaging document. 

It is this resolution that needs to be changed by
constituting a fresh band of members who have the
interests of unity in language and diversity in
script to bring about this change, viz to accept
Konkani with any script Roman ,Kannada, Malayalam, Urdu,
Devanagari, etc.

This document was widely circulated to the Press and
TV media personnel who covered the proceedings.

Fr Pratap Naik, the Director of Thomas Stephens Konknni
Kendr, Porvorim, gave a brief history of Konkani. He
reminded the audience, including over 143 priests, nuns,
tiatrists and other well meaning citizens with the
Goan interests dear to their hearts that 
a) Konkani was recognised as an independent language
on 26th February, 1975
b) on 21st November, 1981 the advisory board for
Konkani unanimously accepted the devanagari script as
the natural script for Konkani
c)on 4th February 1987 Konkani got its official
recognition under the Goa, Daman and Diu official
language Bill [which became an Act notified on 23 April, 1987,in the Official 
  d) Konkani was introduced in the 125 schools run by the
Diocesan Board while only 6 privately managed schools
introduced the same and none of the 1100 schools
teaching Marathi made the change over.
e) on 20 August, 1992, it was included in the VIII
Scedule of the Indian Constitution (this schedule
lists the languages recognised as Official languages
in India -- visit  -- President
of India) 

Fr Naik reiterated the fact that the role of a priest
was that of a prophet-- who has to ascertain what is
good for his flock and not to be dictated by acts
which are detrimental to others.  This was the same
refrain of several other priests viz Fr Vasco Rego,sj, ex
Rector of Bom Jesus Basilica , Fr Eremito Rebello [of
Konkan Railway agitation fame], Fr Kyriel de Souza
Episcopal Vicar for Religious, and others who all pleaded not to make the 
script a divisive instrument rather they strongly felt that
both the scripts should be accepted.

" Chan'nneache Rati " fame Shri Ulhas Buyao blunted the
brigade led by Mr Bhembre saying that they were afraid
of the dominance of the lovers of Konkani in Roman
script. Even after 19 years he said that these so
called "pundits" wise man could not conduct their
religious rites in Konkani devanagari script but were
demanding of others not to conduct their religious rites in
Roman script. He gave the instance where 60,000 copies of the Bible in Konkani 
Roman script was sold out before its
publication. He said that it was time for the elected
representatives to bring forth the amendment in the
current session itself before Friday or 28th July 2006 or
the last date of the Goa Legislative Assembly monsoon

Mr Wilson 'Wilmix' Mazarelo, tiatrist and President of the
Dalgado Konkani Academy, also reiterated that it was
both the Minister for Town and Country Planning Mr
Atanasio (Babush ) Monserrate and Minister for
Agriculture and Animal Husbandary Mr Francisco (Mickky
) Pacheco who made a demand to introduce the bill in
the current session itself at the last Cabinet meet. 
Mr Mazarello reminded the audience that without the
recognition to Konkani in Roman script, the budgetted
funds of the Government of Goa went only to the
Konkani in Devanagari script. Ex Speaker of the Goa
Legislative Assembly, Mr Tomazinho Cardozo, stated that
while the votaries of Roman script for Konkani were
called as anti-nationalists and the spectre of dividing
the Goan votaries he said that the "ONLY FOR KONKANI
IN DEVANAGARI SCRIPT" brigade did not succeed in
getting the over 1100 Government- run Marathi primary schools to
change the language[ to Konkani]. How can the same brigade support
the roman script English, now that it is introduced in
the Primary schools as one subject and reject the
demand for Konkani in Roman script? he questioned. 

Others who spoke were tiatrist Mr Anil Kumar, Mr Joe
Rose from Mumbai 

Mr Mike Metha, Advocate and tiatrist, reminded Mr Churchill
Alemao MP who was seated alongside Dr Wilfred de Souza
Deputy Chief Minister, Mr Mauvin Godinho Mr Francisco
'Mickky' Pacheco, Minister for Agriculture and Animal
Husbandary, Mr Simon D Souza, ex-Deputy Speaker, and Mr Victor Gonsalves, ex 
MLA, that the battle for Konkani has not ended
and he needs to steer the ship of ambition to the
Harbour of success.

Mr Mauvin Godinho remembered the guts and courage he
had to face the multitude gathered at the Azad Maidan
for the historic 14 November, 1986, meet as an young
'Youth Congress' leader when none of the INC MLAs had
the courage to face the crowd to give an assurance
that Konkani would be recognised as the official
language. Dr Wilfred de Souza stated that it was the[now defunct]
"Goa Congress" Party that had actually stood in the
forefront of the Konkani movement and he was for the
amendment even till date . His Nationalist Congress
Party[NCP] is fully backing the amendment he said.

Mr Churchill Alemao stated that immediately after the
official language act was passed it was Adv.Radharao
Gracias, then Independent MLA, who brought about the
amendment to the offical Language Act in 1994 but it
was turned down by Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane 
(Incidentally in the debate that preceded the
introduction of the Amendment Bill --- Mr Rane called
Mr Radharao Gracias a "rabid man" --- a copy of the
debate transcript is now available with this writer) Mr Alemao
therefore stated that to say that the issue was not
taken up after the Act was passed in 1987 is

Meanwhile the issue of the priests who met the All
India Congress Committee General Secretary, Ms Margaret
Alva, at the International Centre-Goa at Dona Paula
as a part of the votaries of "ONLY FOR KONKANI IN
DEVANAGARI SCRIPT" brigade who clandestinely floated a
group "CATHOLICS FOR DEVANAGARI" were Fr Mouzinho de
Athaide, Fr Jaime Couto, Fr Lino Florindo, Fr Moreno de
Souza and four others.. It is ironically that while
the Archdiocese of Goa and Daman in its ealier communique had
stated that it stays clear off the script controversy
these priests tried to impress the INC "Headmistress"
during her recent visit to Goa (will it be her last
after she takes over as Governor of any State in the
next round) on the "view of the Church". Later, it is
now confirmed that Ms Alva paid a courtesy visit to
the Archbishop Patriach of Goa & Daman, Most Rev Filipe
Neri Ferrao for a one to one meeting. Ms Alva is
reported to have told Mr Churchill Alemao MP following
this meet to see the report on the news media the next day. However
Mr Alemao made it clear that he will fight tooth and
nail for the amendment. 

Mr Francisco (Mickky) Pacheco gave an assurance that he
would fully support the amendment. 

None of the other MLA's and Ministers attended the

A) There was a small police bandobust at the entrance
apparently sensing some fiery action
B) The media spot light focussed when Mr Francisco M
Pacheco entered and was about to sit near Mr Alemao
but he preferred another seat
C) Mr Pacheco had a word with his President NCP ,Dr
Wilfred de Souza 
D) Sunaparant -- a Konkani in Devanagari script weekly
which runs a less than 1500 circulation came in for
bitter criticism for carrying some scurrilous writing
fomenting communal tensions.
E) There was an unanimous demand that Mr Uday Bhembre
should be shunted out from the "Vichar Vibhag"
F) Meanwhile according to a reliable information from
the Legislature Secretariat before the end of the
session on 31st July, 2006 a bill can be introduced 
by the Minister for Official Languages Mr Pratapsingh
Raoji Rane CM of Goa and passed OR an ordinance can be
brought after the session and later cleared by the
Assembly.  It is not known which course the Government
will follow but with tiatrist --- having a record of
seating and unseating MLAs, at least those in the Velhas
Conquistas ,stand forewarned.

As this meet ended another 'Marathi Bachao Andolan' was
about to get underway to oppose the move of
introducing English as one subject in the Konkani and
Marathi schools. This meet is billed as a BJP warm up
for the next husting and hence not much may be read in
this meet given the fact that English as a subject has
been welcomed by all and opposed only by those who had
sent their children to English run schools in Goa
India and abroad. 



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