Where does the BJP get its money from? Donations? Yes, but why do they not
make public and be more transparent so that they openly reveal their
sources of donations? For the Lok Sabha elections 2014, they have spent an
estimated amount of Rs.10,000 crores alone on advertisement in the print
and electronic media. Now that they are in power, and unlike the challenge
was thrown at them by Arvind Kejriwal, why is it that the BJP not disclose
their sources of “donations” threadbare? Can it be assumed that they are
diverting a considerable sum of money used in developmental works, into
their party funds?

The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) was replaced
by Smart City mission only so that Jawaharlal Nehru did not get wide
acceleration Smart City mission is just a BJP clone of the JNNURM.

In an interview to a local Goa 365 media channel on 23rd November 2017, at
9.36 PM the Mayor of the Corporation of the City of Panaji Surendra Furtado
demanded an investigation into the cost of CCTV cameras to be used as part
of the Smart City project. He hints a scam under the smart city.  One smart
city camera he says will cost Rs.35 lakhs and CCP estimate to install all
off 250 cameras will cost 25 lakhs rupees. Mayor also says that a proposal
is there to install 450 CCTV cameras at the cost of 150 crores which appear
to be wastage of funds. His allegations seem to have solid credence. If the
BJP themselves are being non-compliant with revealing the sources of
funding, how can they expect Indians to be compliant with payments of GST
(Goods & Services Tax)? They should lead by example because as by old adage
goes “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”

Stephen Dias

Dona Paula

Date: 25th Nov 2017

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