* G * O * A * N * E * T **** C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Apartment for sale in Campal/Miramar area, Panaji, Goa. Spacious 3
bedroom flat (3BHK)available for sale in upscale area near Miramar beach
Contact: goaengineer...@aol.com


Let's go fishing: This is called 'Hunttanni'?
Another type of traditional fishing
This is something new to me, I mean say about 15 years.
This type of fishing activities usually seen in the river where there is a 
low/high tide.
At Agassaim, they fetch a good catch (fish).
I have never witnessed it but we do buy fish from the boys.
Again, they (boys) go in the middle of the night say around 3pm, I guess they 
fish by stealing from the net/hunttanni?  As we used to steal fish from the 
'raponn' net.
The real Ranponn net is not seen nowadays.  Mechanised trawllers and other 
motorised fishing boats to blame?
We use to go to 'Rampnnikodde' at Arossim, Cansaulim, Velsao, Daddo etc 
Popular Ramponnkar at that time were -Zambllikar (Trio King Antony relative?), 
Santan 9from Vasco), Pidade (Joekim, Sacramenta Building Cansaulim) etc
Raponn khuim dovorlia? 
Surgam Rukakodde (near Casuarina trees) near Horizon hotel.
Tamdde Rosteakodde (now main tarred road to Velsao Beach)
Santna-ghe Kuddikode (Kudd means a big and along hut/house which used to 
house the big/large boat (Rampnni Voddem) during mansoon and the 
permannat workers who worked for Ramponnkars, mainly Goans)
These pics are from Mandovi River, Panjim by the Ferry Wharf.
Hunttanni (at high tide)
It attracks many fish eating birds
With coloured crane/birds/boats
Hunttani at low tide or when water recedes 
May be some parts of Goa call it by some other names
May be I am wrong to call it a 'Hunttanni'
any one?
any idea?
Some of the Other Traditional  fishing methords are:
Panttem marop (bamboo basket)
you can add more


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