Our (Bamons)
goal is accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon
This prevents them
(Mulnivasis) from seeing the changes as they occur

August 11, 2012 issue of ‘The Goan’ carries a centre spread
story titled ‘Lords of the Slums’ on pages 16-17. It blames politicians of
protecting slums in Vasco, Margao, Cortalim, Dabolim and Mapusa. This weekly 
is published by Fomento Publications. Fomentos also have their interest in
destructive mining all over Goa and are even proved to be using explosives
illegally on the Hiralal Khodidas mine in Colomba while extracting of ore,
tries to convince the readers that people from different parts of India are
illegal occupants on the lands that they occupy since 1970 and 1990. The paper
claims that 70% of Goa’s land is owned by 223 Communidades and communidades are
known as ‘Ganvkaris’, ‘Ganvponn’ that has unique and age-old Collective land
ownership pattern. It also claims that Ganvkaris (Communidades) came into
existence sui juris and prior to creation of State. They were developed by
clearing the jungles and establishing villages, installing their village deity
and introducing private laws. It does tell that this Ganvkaris belonged to
Gawdas and Velip tribes in Goa and that Fomentos along with other mining
companies like Salgaoncars, Chowgules, Dempos, Sesa Goa, Vedanta, Damodar
Mangalji are involved in causing irreversible damage to their habitats with 
mining plunder of Goa. It does not disclose that Bamons who have infiltrated on
communidades are invaders from Eurasia and they need to be shown the door.

The weekly paper claims, quoting government data that all together
there are 2,515 illegal constructions on Communidade lands in Goa. Further ‘The
Goan’ is trying to provoke bulldozing of these ‘illegal’ constructions, this
time by quoting Indian Supreme Court judgment in Civil Appeal No. 1132/2011 @
SLP © No. 3109/ 2011 pertaining to unauthorized occupants of Gram Sabha and
Gram Panchayat lands. It is pertinent to note that office bearers and activists
like Nelson Azavedo and Luis de Sousa of Communidade movement have been
repeatedly challenging the legitimacy of imposing Panchayats rule in Goa in
their various presentations at Goa University and other places in Goa, and even
in Court case at Goa Bench of Bombay High Court. If Communidades agree that
their land belongs to Panchayats then they will be negating all that they been
saying publicly since 1997. ‘The Goan’ advocates that Communidade lands be 
as Panchayat lands. It swims against the tide of Communidade Movement in Goa.

The reason for this advocacy is understandable for it is
well known fact that this weekly paper is playing the playing PRO role for BJP
variety of Brahminism and even before this paper was launched its editor played
this role as an editor of ‘oHeraldo’. For Bharat Mukti Mukti Morcha it makes no
difference whether it is BJP variety of Brahmanism or Congress variety of
Brahmanism for we are committed to uproot all varieties of Brahmanism. Every 
supports Capitalism in India. It is important to keep in mind that Bamons have
long term interest in taking over Communidade lands in Goa, ‘rationalizing’
them and the plans to this effect are already declared in ‘Goa 2035: vision and
road map’. This is a vision of Bamons, by Bamons and subscribers of Bramanism,
for Bamons. Mulnivasis has nothing in it not even mention is made of existence 
ST, SC, OBC people. For Bamons we are all erased and no longer exists today and
also in 2035.

‘The  Goan’
deliberately did not explained a the reasons behind the emergence of slums not
only in Goa’s Communidade lands but all over the country. It did not explain
that it is the policies of Brahmanism ushered in on 15 August 1947 onwards that
was responsible for the skyrocketing poverty in India. People living below
poverty line were pegged at around 12 crore in 1947. This number has witnessed
sharp increase and touched 83 crore people whose daily income varies from Rs.
5/- to Rs. 20/-. This is an official government of India data as per Arjun
Sengupta committee report. And there are no Brahmins living in slums, no 
living below poverty line; for they are the rulers of this country and that’s
why all the aboriginal people of India – ST, SC, OBC and those converted from
these categories are the once who are forced to live in poverty due to the well
engineered policies by the State for the past 65 years that witnessed Bamani
rule of Congress and BJP to a great period of time.

Why then ‘The Goan’ only targets
these 2,515 houses? It is due to Bamon’s very own ways of achieving the targets
of decimating mulnviasis ‘Our
(Bamons) goal is accomplished one drop at a
time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves (Bamons). This prevents them 
(Mulnivasis) from seeing the changes as they occur’. If all the mulnivasis are 
to get targeted then
it would be too difficult to handle the backlash. Bamons have experience in
this for many thousands of years. Any case we have witnessed the pattern of
attack here in the past two weeks; first issue dated 28 July 2012 targeted 
Mulnivasi South Goa Taxi ownersas Gangs and Mafia, then second issue dated 4 
August 2012 targeted mulnivasi Muslims of Goa as harbingersof Terrorists, and 
now this is a third target: Mulnivasis in Communidades and
mulnivasis living in slums. In none of the targets Bamon is sought to be 
but only the Mulnivasis are its targets sometime they are Christians, sometimes
they are Muslims, and latest all category of mulnivasis SC, ST, OBC and
converted minorities staying in slum areas.

The right to vote of the
mulnivasis staying slum areas is also the target of ‘The Goan’. The article
seeks to convey that because the mulnivasis have votes that they are getting
protection of politicians. It does not write that it was Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar who
gave them vote and not the manusmriti. Manusmriti effectively denied any rights
to all the mulnivasis and had turned all of us Shudras, Adivasis and 
into slaves. ‘The Goan’ has not mustered courage to attack Dr.Ambedkar for
giving votes to these slum dwellers, but surely it wants them to be 
 Slums, legal as well as illegal are the
creation of Bamani rule over India and they will go away only when Bamani rule
is destroyed and reduced to the ashes. Individually targeting few thousand
houses in Goa’s slums is a part of bamani conspiracy to hide Bamani
infiltration and takeover of Communidades in Goa.

‘The Goan will never publish as to
how Bamons have systematically infiltrated into the management of communidades
in Goa and taken them over. It will never do the survey of all the 223
communidades and investigate as to how Bamons entered their names into
Communidade records as share holders. For it stands to protect Bamons as this
weekly - like so many other print and electronic media in Goa - is owned and
edited by Bamons; for it is self destructive job for bamons in India and that’s
why they will never do it nor have they ever done.

Let’s take the case of Colomba
Communidade. Eurasian Bamons have completely taken over this commudade and all
the tribal people have been left out of the communidade affairs. The names of
tribal people like Rama Velip has been erased from the records of the 
and all the bamons have hijacked it. One Bamon Dilip Prabhugaonkar transferred 
hectares of Commundade land as his private property during 1972 land survey 
is the biggest land scam in Goa so far that allowed Eurasian Bamons to be legal
owners of lands of mulnivasi people who were deprived of education and hence
were ignorant of what was going on in the legal matters.) These 31 hectares of
land was classified Forest land. Prabhugaonkar converted this land in nexus
with the State authorities into rice field when there was no rice field there at
all. After this conversion this land was sold to Fomentos mining company. This
land today is used and abused by Fomentos the boss of ‘The Goan’, yet it will
not publish this in its weekly. The other Eurasian Bamons besides said Dilip
Prabhugaonkar that are involved in capture of Colomba communidade includes 
Prabhudesai, Venkatesh Prabhudesai and Anil Prabhugaonkar. Two weeks ago on 27
July 2012 Eurasian Bamon from Margao Uday Bhemre, ex-MLA and culprit of
engineering Bamani language as Goa’s official language publicly declared that
Bamons have grabbed lands of tribal people of Goa. Of course he said this with
the intention of pacifying tribal people of Goa that are involved in commanding
State to declare Tribal Area under 5th Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

The story of Bamons infiltrating inside
the Communidades that were originally known as ‘Gaunkaris’ and ‘Ganvponn’ is
widely spread out to various Communidades in Goa. Its spread is cancerous and
requires very serious treatment. The example of Colomba communidade is cited
only as a sample of Brahmanism that has eluded focus even of the people
involved in defence of Communidades. There is a need to investigate as to why
this aspect of communnidades remained without investigating by the movement in
defence of Communidades headed by Adv. Andre Pereira who hails from OBC
community in Marmagoa taluka.

What Goan has done is that it has focused
on the Slums with the intention of making the Bamon grip over Communidades even
stronger. Yet Bamons cannot fool all the people all the time. Especially it
cannot fool Bharat Mukti Morcha that is committed to destroy Bamon rule in the
country sooner than later. 

Bharat Mukti Morcha stands in
defence of Communidades of Goa. Bharat Mukti Morcha considers Bamons as number
one enemy of communidades not only for having infiltrated inside Communidades
and conspiring to throw Goa’s mulnivasi Shudra people out of communidade 
but also for creating the problem of slums all over India by way of Bamon rule
in the entire country for the past 65 years that has pushed mulnivasis people
to settle on Communidade lands.

The ultimate objective of this article
in ‘The Goan’ is to trigger violence against Mulnivasi people from Goa and
Mulnivasi people from other parts of India. This weekly has already indulged in
ideological violence against mulnivasi people living in slums. The authors and
architects of this seeds of violence are Bamons. Bharat Mukti Morcha is
committed not only to resist Bamani violence but to overthrow the Bamani
domination in every field of life. The problems of Communidades and problems of
mulnivasi slum dwellers have common origin - the Bamon. It is in the selfish
interest of perpetuation of Bamon rule that they are trying their level best to
trigger a riot against slum dwellers in Goa. Bharat Mukti Morcha will expose
Bamon conspiracy at every stage destroy Bamon plans to convert Goa into play
ground for Bamons by putting one group of Mulnivasi people against another
group of Mulnivasis. 


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