Teacher Mildred  left footprints on hearts and minds

A  wonderful colleague   never to forget
Lived a happy life without regret
Proud of her pious  nuns, ,Christine her adorable girl
A loving son and a priest diamond among pearls

A mother toiled,  laboured  to nurse her brood
Educated them as best  as she understood
Two nuns, a priest  inherit her cherished desire
A deeply religious person  before she expired , aspired to inspire

Lived by values  adhering to her faith
Met her mate by destiny and fate
An excellent teacher earned deserving praise
In her honour ,glory a toast raise

Generosity, magnanimity  her cherished  crown of glory
Honesty, sincerity her social concerns and life story
Respected at work,in society ,mild and kind
A person of integrity ,character will always remind

Never to criticise  ,hurt feelings or complain
Devotion  to  duty was her goal main
An excellent teacher  , most admired by all
By any standards of yard sticks,  stood tall

Outstanding colleague amongst ten schools  a rare find
Etched foot prints on  hearts and minds
Blessed with long life under loving care
Her vision ,legacy  a sign posts   for all to share

30 years plus wished on birthday
A colleague worthy of recall anyway
Volunteered as  a benefactor of Trust  to aid
With respect, honour to eternal rest laid

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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