An unusual paradox underlies the pandemic predicament that paralyzed
the world in 2020. We have been transformed into countless individual
islands, with each one separately constrained by anti-viral
manoeuvrings that deny us hugs, handshakes, public events and private
gatherings that could risk the all-important “bubble.”

Yet, despite this fracturing of our societies into billions of
individual shards, our lives have never been so interlinked and

“The current pandemic is probably the first global event in the
history of the human race,” says Branko Milanović, the consistently
insightful Serbian-American economist, and specialist on the topic of
inequality. The 67-year-old, who was a lead economist for the World
Bank, is an essential independent thinker of our times (and an
outstanding follow on Twitter, where he’s @BrankoMilan).

Earlier this week, in a joint publication by the Brussels-based
International Politics and Society magazine and Social Europe (which
is headquartered in London), Milanović argued, “If, in a couple of
years—when hopefully it is over and we are alive—we meet friends from
any corner of the world, we shall all have the same stories to share:
fear, tedium, isolation, lost jobs and wages, lockdowns, government
restrictions and face masks. No other event comes close.”

There is the additional factor of 21st century networking
technologies, which keep us glued to the same screens at the same time
everywhere in the world. Milanović explains, “to be global, the event
has to be experienced more or less equally by everyone at the same
time. Limited by physical contact or presence, however, we cannot
reach many people, simply because there is no possibility for each of
us to meet thousands, still less hundreds of thousands, of others. So
the first global human event, ironically, had to be an event devoid of
human contact and physical touch—it had to be experienced virtually.”

Milanović predicts, “Covid-19 probably made us leapfrog about a decade
in realising the possibilities of decoupling work from physical
presence in the workplace…This will not have an effect only on people
working from home—the change will be much more profound. A global
labour market will come into existence without the need for
migration.” He concludes, “global value chains and trade might suffer
a temporary setback. But in terms of labour mobility or, more exactly,
labour competition—which is extraordinarily important—it will move

Aspects of what is described here are already familiar to us in South
Asia, where they’re called “outsourcing”, and also play a big part in
what is touted as “value-added manufacturing.” These have been
invaluable factors in fostering economic growth in the subcontinent,
and most especially for the swathe of countries that lie directly to
the east, from Malaysia and Thailand (which are both on the verge of
catapulting out of middle-income status) to Vietnam, which has boomed
non-stop throughout the 21st century, and now grows steadily faster
than China.

All these nations have done an excellent job in containing the impact
of the coronavirus emergency. For some perspective, Vietnam – which
shares nearly 1300 km of borders with China, and is home to 92 million
people – has registered under 1400 Covid-19 cases, and only 35 deaths.
Meanwhile, my home state of Goa – India’s smallest, with less than two
million citizens – has racked up nearly 50,000 cases with over 700

When you add in the burgeoning economies and labour forces of
Indonesia (267 million people) and the Philippines (110 million), it
becomes clear the future global economy that is envisioned and
predicted by economists like Milanović will surge substantially from
our geographical neighbourhood. But just like has played out all
through the pandemic, we will stay home while connecting and competing
remotely with every other part of the world.

This calls for substantial realignment of national priorities towards
education, training, and infrastructure of all kinds: from
manufacturing to digital. That process will be aided by the free flow
of capital that has already been established over recent decades. The
x-factor in our future potential will be human development – the
health, welfare, stability and security of each national workforce. It
is here that Bangladesh has the decided advantage over all other
countries in the region.

By contrast, India has heedlessly tied itself in knots with the
politics of hate, and rampant crony capitalism. Narendra Modi’s
government entered the Covid-19 era at war with students and
minorities, then alienated millions of guest workers who were forced
to stream out of the cities on foot. Now, another massive dispute,
punctuated by the biggest strike in world history, as over 200 million
workers observed the nationwide “bandh” supporting the withdrawal of
legislations seen as anti-labour and anti-farmer.

All this past fortnight, instead of readying itself for the new global
economy, the Indian work force has been on the streets. It does not
bode well for what will come next.

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