Going Goan on the Goanet... (Alberto G Gomes) 1/2

oanet enters its 20th year this year. Below is an academic
paper, written some time back, by Alberto G Gomes, based in
Australia (La Trobe University).
SOCIAL ANALYSIS Journal of Cultural and Social Practice

Computer-Mediated Communication in Australian Anthropology
and Sociology edited by Helen Morton  * Issue 45(1) April

GOING GOAN ON THE GOA-NET: Computer-Mediated Communications
and Goan Diaspora

By Alberto G Gomes


With the growing access to computer and information
technologies, computer-mediated communication (CMC) has
emerged as an important vehicle of interaction.  Electronic
mail (email) and the world-wide web have become so common
these days that they are taken for granted particularly in
the developed world and relatively affluent classes of

In light of these developments, an increasing number of
anthropologists and sociologists have turned their critical
eye to the social and cultural implications of computer and
information technology (see Hakken 1999 for a review of some
of these attempts).  One pressing concern is whether the
definitions and understanding in respect to concepts such as
culture, community and identities are applicable to
computer-mediated interactions.  This has prompted some to
rethink classical approaches to such concepts (Hakken 1999).
In this paper, I will address some of these issues in the
context of CMC among Goans.  To be more specific, I will
discuss the role of CMC in the construction and maintenance
of cultural identities among Goans, particularly diasporic

Goans are typically defined as people who claim a cultural
and social connection with Goa, a small state on the west
coast of India, south of Mumbai (Bombay).  As Priolkar
(1983:270) suggests, the term 'Goan' refers to "anyone,
whatever his present whereabouts, whose forefathers have been
domiciled in Goa at any time in history and who is aware of
this connection and cherishes and values it".

On the 31st of May 1987, Goa was declared as the 25th state
in the Indian Republic, five months after Konkani, the main
language spoken in Goa, was recognised as an official Indian
language.  This was a significant political event for the
Goans in their persistent struggle for recognition as a
distinct and autonomous people in the relatively diverse
Indian cultural mosaic.

It has taken the Goans 26 years to achieve this status. In
1961, the Indian government drove out Goa's colonial masters
of 451 years, the Portuguese, who have left a strong but
waning cultural influence on Goans.  About 90 per cent of
Goans speak Konkani, which constitutes the main ethnic marker
for Goans but this linguistic unity gives a false impression
of a united community.  Goans are divided by religion but not
as poignantly as the case in other parts of India.  Hindus
form about 60 per cent of the population, while the Catholics
constitute 38 per cent and Muslims 2 per cent.  As one would
expect, four and half centuries of Portuguese hegemony has
had a direct and radical impact on Goa and the Goans.

During most of their colonial rule. the Portuguese had
suppressed local culture and imposed their culture and
religion on the people.  They implemented the infamous
inquisition during which they persecuted Hindus and Muslims
as part of the treacherous design to forcefully convert the
people to Christianity.  Hindu temples and mosques were
destroyed and replaced with churches, and people were made to
feel scornful of cultural practices viewed as inimical to
Christianity.  People were also discouraged from using their
native language, Konkani, in favour of Portuguese, which was
introduced as the language of official business, commerce,
and education in Goa.  Portuguese rule also engendered a lack
of political liberties, economic underdevelopment, poor
educational facilities, and cultural bigotry not only from
the colonial masters but also from Christian Goans against
their Hindu compatriots in Goa.


Not surprisingly, the poor socio-economic conditions
prevailing in Goa at the time of Portuguese colonialism
served as a push factor for the large-scale emigration of
Goans, particularly at the turn of the century.  This created
a Goan diaspora.  Robert Newman, an American anthropologist,
describes the phenomenon in a rather poetic way:

          Migration and exile for thousands of families and
          more thousands of single men created and sustained
          a nostalgic longing for a beautiful and perhaps
          imaginary Goa that was talked and sung about from
          Kampala to Macau. Goa was the special golden
          homeland of swaying coconut palms in the moonlight,
          of tasty dishes like sorpotel-sanna and bangra
          recheado, of violins and the mando, white-washed
          churches, intruz, ladainha, and red, fertile soil
          (Newman 1988:3).

To keep in touch with Goa and their Goan-ness, diasporic
Goans all over the world established Goan associations.  Some
associations are village- or regional-linked where membership
is formed out of Goans from the same village or region.
There are also Konkani associations that are not exclusively
Goan and include expatriate Konkani-speaking people from
other parts of the Konkan region in India.

Sometimes there is more than one Goan association in the same
locality.  This is usually the case when the Goan community
in the area is divided according to cultural allegiance
towards either Indian or Portuguese.  For example, in
Melbourne there are two associations, one consists of people
who still maintain an allegiance to Portuguese culture while
the other, consisting of mostly younger Goans, are more
Indian oriented.  These associations mostly hold social
functions such as fetes and the celebration of feasts of
village patron saints and other festivities and are rarely
political.  Some associations do maintain a close contact
with Goa by sponsoring development and community projects in


In an article entitled 'Goa-ing into cyberspace' in the
magazine 'Goa Today' (April 1997) Frederick Noronha notes
that Goa, the smallest state in the Indian Republic, has
become the tenth place in the nation to gain access to the
information superhighway.  This is rather ironic given the
fact that any tourist in Goa would notice the relatively poor
state of its roads and highways and yet this seemingly
slow-moving place is the base for about ten active web sites
on the internet.

Furthermore, a growing number of people in the state are
beginning to 'travel' on the information superhighway, as
Internet service providers are making a roaring business in

In February 1997, a meeting of expatriate Goans was held in
London to deliberate on the theme "Goa on the Internet" and
the consensus at the meeting was that "the internet was an
under-utilised resource that offered vast potential for
Goans" (Noronha 1997:23).

The first Internet initiative was the establishment of the
Goa-Net, a mailing list of people interested in Goa.  It was
formally started on the 17th of September 1994 by Herman
Carneiro, based in the United States.  At the time of writing
in February 2000 over a thousand people from all over the
world subscribe to the Goa-Net.  A large number of
subscribers are 'lurkers', a term used to refer to people
that only read the postings and do not participate in the
discussions.  Most are diasporic Goans but there are a
growing number of local Goans on the list.  Carneiro
describes the Goa-Net in the following way:

          The members of the net get news posted daily by the
          news crew of the net, who are located in Goa.  We
          have hot sizzling debates on new items and discuss
          issues that pertain to Goans worldwide.  The net
          certainly brings the international community in
          cyberspace together.

'Goa-Web', an internet site now amalgamated with another site
to form 'Goacom' (http://www.goacom.com), was the first
elaborate web site devoted to Goan issues and information.
Goacom was set up in November 1995 and is managed by Marlon
Menezes based in the US, John D'Souza in Canada and Joseph
"Boogie" Viegas in Goa who is also involved in the setting up
of a non-profit, community-oriented web site, 'Goenkar'

For those interested in research in Goa, there is a website,
'Goa Research Net' (http://www.goenkar.com), which focuses on
research themes in Goa.  In 1999, there was a proliferation
of new web sites with at least six new sites and a number of
mergers.  A new site called GOYAN
(http://www.goacom.com/goyan), which stands for Goan Young
Adult Network, was established for young Goans in North

While many of these sites emanate from Goa they are clearly
directed to non-resident Goans.  Almost all the web sites
provide a range of information from news from Goa to
advertisements of real estate, hotels, and travel agents in

For example, the headings in one of the more comprehensive
sites, Goacom, include 'What's new?', 'Goa News', 'Real
Estate', 'Accommodations', 'Tourist Services', 'Businesses',
'Pictures and Maps', 'Community Worldwide', 'Goan Cuisine',
'Culture', 'Village Showcase' and 'Meeting Place' (mailing
lists, BBS, and Chat).

In the 'What's New' section, there are links to pages
containing information on property sales, investments and
activities of Goan association in various parts of the world
which would be of more interest to expatriates than to local
Goans.  The section on 'Community' is focussed on information
about Goan diasporic communities while 'Meeting Point' seems
to be targeted at expatriate Goans, as reflected in the sort
of discussion topics on the Bulletin Board Service (BBS) as
well as the initiators of the discussions who are mostly
expatriate Goans.  Some of the discussions topics and
messages listed on the Goan BBS since its set up include
mixed marriages, national identities, announcements of
activities of Goa associations as well as activities in Goa,
advertisements, and requests for touristic information about

Occasionally bulletin board subscribers engage in politically
charged and controversial discussions.  Interestingly, the
topic that attracted the most number of messages (93 in
total) on the Goacom Bulletin Board was in relation to a
debate about the Portuguese 'roots' in Goan identity.
Arguably, this is an issue that never fails to attract
controversy among the Goans.  Topics that relate to
relationships such as 'cyberspace infidelity' which received
54 messages and 'caste in Goa' (40 messages) are also

Controversial marital issues, such as mixed marriages, sex
before marriage and 'cyberspace infidelity', seem to attract
considerable discussion.  So, too, do issues which confront
diasporic Goans settled in North America, Europe and
Australia where the youth are exposed to cultural values
associated with marriage that are seen to clash with
'traditional' (usually Catholic) values of their parents and
elders.  The following posting by a self-identified
Australian Goan encapsulates the expression on the net of
this diasporic conflict:

          Hi all you Australian Goans out there. Just like to
          know how many of you visit the home page?  Living
          in different parts of the world taints your
          perspective on life.  Your attitudes and beliefs
          change and you become a sub-culture of your own, an
          amalgum (sic) of your previous culture (or your
          parents culture, in my case) and the new culture
          you are trying to assimulate (sic) into.  What I am
          interested in is the experience of being a Goan
          overseas.  If you have any issues that illustrate
          the experience, please feel free to add to this
          dialogue.  For example, moving out before you are
          married is tabboo (sic) to most Goans.  However,
          here in Australia it is commonplace.  "Try before
          you buy" is the motto here.  Otherwise you won't
          know how you will get along with each other when
          you are living together.  This seems like a
          plausible line of argument in an age where
          the divorce rate has hit as high as 75% (on the
          last count).  However, hit a Goan parent with this
          line or argument, and no matter how liberal they
          profess to be, I am sure you will come up against
          some heavy backlash (Goan BBS 29/6/97).

The use of bulletin boards has expanded in the past few
months.  For quite some time Goenkar and Goacom were the only
sites with a bulletin board but at the time of writing
(February 2000) at least seven other sites maintain bulletin
board services: Goyan, Goa-world (http://www.goaworld.com),
Goa International (http://www.goainternational.com),
Goainfosearch (http://www.goainfosearch.com), Viva Goa
(http://www.vivagoa.com), GoaNet (http://www.goanet.com), and
Goa-World (http://www.goa-world.net).  In spite of this ample
'space' for Goans to communicate with one another, the
mailing list, Goa-Net, the first CMC initiative for Goans,
still continues to be popular.

In response to a posting by a disgruntled Goan subscriber who
derided the Goan-Net as "one of the most dull and
disorganised of the Use Net groups", Trevor D'Souza, a
regular netter (Goa-Net, 7/7/97) notes:

        1. Goa Net is not a USENET newsgroup. It is an
        e-mail-based "news group". GoaNet is primarily a
        means of networking for Goans and "Friends of Goa"
        from all over the globe.

        2. "Dull"? "Disorganised"? I think that it is fairly
        well-organised and interesting, thanks to active
        GoaNetters like Eddie who gives us news/comments from
        the UK and the Indian Press (also Rene/Ashley/James
        in the UK), Fred/Pamela/Goa Herald Team who inform us
        about happenings from Goa and the rest of India,
        Marlon (US) who lets us know about info about Goa on
        USENET newsgroups; Tim/Eugene (Canada);
        Ullysses/Mario/A.V.Fernandes/Wellington Dias from the
        Middle East, Dr Teotonio R de Souza from Portugal, Dr
        Jose Colaco (Bahamas).  Then there are the various
        project organizers (Emmanuel/Eddie/Marlon) -- the
        movers and the shakers of GoaNet; the story
        tellers/poets (Jaime/Johnny/Benegal/Sharmila); the
        active discussion initiators/participants (VM/Mario
        D'Souza/Cipriano/Paulo/James).  Add to that medical
        advice from Dr Colaco (Bahamas), jokes from Pete
        (Singapore), recipes transferred from GoaCom by Glenn
        Francis (Canada); our own computer handyman (Paulo
        from UK); book/coin/stamp seller (Benegal), romance
        (Sharon/James), and Jimmy Fernandes (when we last
        heard from him, he was asking "where are the
        girls"?).  To sum it all up, it makes it an
        interesting network.  At times, it does seem to
        appear inactive, but these times are usually when the
        active GoaNetters are usually on vacation (this last
        weekend, the USA GoaNetters were enjoying the long
        weekend), or busy with other activities.

This defence of the Goa-Net by one of its active participants
provides a good and brief account of the nature of issues
covered and the key participants and their specific
contributions and roles in this mailing list.

I have followed discussions on the Goa-Net sporadically since
February 1996.  Goa-Net has been active for the past six
years, during which time it has grown from a mailing list of
about 100 members to more than 1000.  In July 1998 Goa-net
expanded when it incorporated another mailing list, GoaLink.

Since July 1998, nine members have posted more than 100
messages, two of which have made more than 400 postings of
mainly news reports from Goa.  In a more detailed analysis of
postings made during a two week period in July 1997 (18 July
to 31 July), I counted 205 postings, an average of 15 per
day.  Fifty-five people made at least one posting and the
person who provides news from Goa on a regular basis made 32
postings.  Judging from the names of the participants, it
appears that an overwhelming number were males and only about
5 or 6 female.  Most are from outside of Goa judging from the
email addresses.  The subject matter of the postings range
from controversial and political issues to jokes and humorous
stories.  There are some that inform fellow expatriate Goans
of social functions or businesses as the following posting

          As a proud Goan I would like to tell you about a
          new 'GOAN' restaurant that has opened in the
          Toronto, Canada area.  It has to be one of the
          first authenticly Goan restaurants in North
          America.  A couple of days ago I had the pleasure
          of visiting 'Pride of Goa'.  I was very happy with
          the quality of the food, the enchanting decor and
          excellent service (24/7/97).

During this two week period, the main discussion issues that
took up considerable 'space' on the Goa-Net were on: Goan
state politics, sex industry in Goa, India-Portugal
comparisons (thread titled as 'Sleeping Portugal and Vibrant
India') and mental illness in Goa.  Interestingly, three out
of the four popular topics were related to what is happening
in Goa while the one on 'Sleeping Portugal and Vibrant
India', as one would expect, was rather polemical and
somewhat irrelevant to the current situation in Goa.

During the period of my 'participant observation' of the
Goa-Net, I encountered a range of discussion topics.  A
considerable number of them focused on issues affecting Goan
itself such as malaria, tourism, drug problems, ecological
problems, and paedophilia while there is the occasional
discussion of issues affecting Goans living overseas.  For
example, several of the Goans living in the US exchanged
views on US politics, especially during the presidential

There were several issues that have attracted rather heated
exchanges among netters, leading to flaming (a term used to
refer to the trading of personal insults over the  net) in
some cases.  Some of these controversial issues relate to
religion (such as the Christian-Hindu rivalries), Portuguese
colonialism, the 'indianisation' of Goa, and comparisons of
the different Goan diaspora.

A popular topic is the definition of Goan identity, which
once occupied the attention of 33 participants for one whole
month (2/2/96 to 4/3/96).  During this period about 72
postings were made on this issue and it appears that there
was considerable private email communication among some of
the discussants.  The debate started when a regular netter in
his posting suggested that "most Goans may dislike being
referred to as 'Indians' because of the negative connotations
associated with this sub-continent".  He also raised the
question "why it is that while we are generally proud to be
called Goans, Goans from Africa and those from Bombay and
Pakistan remain somewhat disunited --  operating separate
entities (i.e.  associations) and generally do not get along

The response was overwhelming, some posting their replies on
the Net while several sent private email messages to the
initial discussant.  The first public response was long and
had fuelled further the rather controversial issue by raising
other sensitive points.  The first few sentences repeated
below would reveal the tone and direction of his comment:

          I grew up in modern India... Until my family moved
          to NYC when I was 14 I had never suspected that
          there were "Goans" who did not consider themselves
          "Indians".  Since then, extensive travel in Africa,
          Canada and the UK, brought me into contact with
          entire Goan communities (mostly Africanders) who
          acted as though Goa had nothing to do with India
          and that Indians (all 850 million) were somehow
          beneath them.  Obviously this behaviour is
          delusional, and only sets Goans, particularly
          Africanders, further back.  (3/2/96).

The Goan identity discussion was however not entirely
personal.  There were instances where the discussants even
invoked the postmodern theories of Michel Foucault and
Jacques Derrida to support their contentions.  (CONCLUDING

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