Hi Selma,
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and all Goanetters and your 

You break my heart and likely the hearts of your parents and our generation. 
After all the education we provided our next generation of Goans, all that we 
can expect them to transmit to the next generation (our grandchildren) is 
"perhaps for a collection of memories and memoirs"?
Perhaps your generation could learn from us.... please!  Likely like you, we 
also got more (formal) education than our parents. Yet the older we got, the 
more we realized that our parents (your grandparents) were smarter than we gave 
them credit.  And we basically transmitted the same values, beliefs and 
education systems to your generation, that they transmitted to us. Is that too 
much to ask the current 25 to 45 year old? We keep beating each other about 
caste preference for marriage. Yet no one decries the growing number of 
Catholic Goans marrying non-Goans. This of course will hasten the scenario you 

Of course some are fighting even older battles with their same old ... same old 
... sodanche kani. Perhaps this may be to avoid dealing with issues in front of 
Today on Goanet, all that we read from the younger genre is "how bad things 
were".  And how much smarter and better and more "liberated and 
forward-looking" today's Goans are. And then as you thoughtfully point out, 
that likely all we will pass down is, "perhaps for a collection of memories and 
memoirs".  Yet it does not have to be that way ... does it?
Kind Regards, GL

---------------------- Carvalho wrote:

Goan Catholics are not a race but collectively they share a unique culture and 
history. We too know in our hearts that nothing much will be left of us save 
perhaps for a collection of memories and memoirs.

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