--- Mario Goveia previously wrote:
> > Pardon me if we cannot hold our breath while 
> > waiting for you, an avowed agnostic, to "...come
> > across a post that I find offensive to my Catholic
> > sensibilities..."  What "Catholic sensibilities"
> > can an avowed agnostic claim to have??
Selma responded:
> So, there is no dichotomy in my statement. I am and 
> will always be a Goan Catholic, culturally.
Mario adds:
Pardon me if I am skeptical about the commitment and
interest of a "cultural" Catholic to defend the
"religion", not the "culture", in front of others,
when she has been unable to convince herself.
We have proof of this when you were apparently unable
to see the recent attack on all religions, while it
was raging all around you.
> Mario previously wrote:
> > Since you all have repudiated and devalued
> > religion, including the ones you were born into, 
> > anything you say on the subject is biased by 
> > definition, and frequently offensive to the rest 
> > of us.  So, why not quit the patronising and 
> > contemptuous and contradictory comments about 
> > religion and religious people and stick to 
> > opining on the several other issues that plague 
> > the world, as you have recommended to your forum 
> > adversary, Joe Vaz, but not to your friend, 
> > Santosh.  
> > >
Selma responded:
> Is that what you really want Mario? That we should
> quit discussing topics because they offend someone
> or the other. Then, so far I have been asked to quit
> commenting on Goa because I don't live there, quit
> commenting on America because it's off topic and now
> quit commenting on religion. So what topics does
> that eave me, Albert's pinag recipe and the GDP of
> Guatemala?
Mario responds:
In your post of September 5, you asked Joe Vaz why he
was spending so much time responding to your friend
Santosh's unprovoked flame baits on religion and
religious people.  You said Joe was being "strange". 
Wasn't that asking Joe to quit discussing this topic?
And, regarding your gross mischaracterization about me
wanting to restrict you to Pinag recipes [which is a
Goa-centric topic]and the GDP of Guatemala [which
would be off topic] please revisit what I said to the
Santosh character in my following post, and please
remember this for future reference :
"I wish you and everyone else on Goanet would just
eschew these verbal mind games and stick to providing
news and personal opinions and personal analyses as
they see fit, avoid speaking on behalf of whole
sections of people you don't even know as if the rest
of us were born yesterday, and let others respond as
they see fit, with the administrators as umpires.
I don't even object to your frequent flame baits,
unprovoked by anything said or discussed on Goanet, as
long as the administrators do not obstruct the
responses you did not get in the "good old days" of
Goanet." [end of excerpt]
So much for restricting you to Pinag recipes and off
topic subjects.

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