Konkani writer Damodar Mauzo is in many ways the face of Goan
literature. He recently completed 50 years as a writer, but still has
within him the same urge and restlessness of a budding writer, which
according to him is essential if one has to continue one’s journey as
an author. “This journey of 50 years is regret free, but I am guilty
of not doing much as a writer. I believe that a writer should remain
dissatisfied”, says the 70-year-old Damodar Mauzo.

As a writer Mauzo has a special gift; he does not go have to seek out
inspiration, instead stories grab him and remain with him. “Many a
time stories remain in my head. I start working on them only when the
climax of the story comes to me. I don’t write every day, only when I
really feel like writing something for that is when the urge leaves me
restless till I have penned everything down.

Writer Victor Rangel Ribeiro during a workshop on writing happened to
tell me that he sometimes rewrites his copy more than ten times. For
me that was an amazing discovery. You see I write my stories in one
go. When I shared this fact with him he told me that I have a
copy-editor within me”, shares the Sahitya Akademi awardee, who has
recently returned from Frankfurt, where he had gone to attend the
international release of his book ‘Teresa’s Man’. The book is a
compilation of short stories written by Mauzo over a period of time
and has been translated into English by Xavier Cota. The Goa release
of the book will happen on October 24.

On the topic of his book being translated into English Mauzo shares
that this is not his first literary offering to be translated further
maintaining that his most popular books came to be well read mainly
because they were translated. He is also of the firm belief that books
in regional languages need to be translated into English and Hindi too
because this affords them a wider reach. “Languages have their own
boundaries. Once translated it becomes easier to access a wider
readership. Additionally, Hindi affords the books easier translation
into other regional languages. That’s how my novel ‘Karmelin’ was
translated into Oriya, Sindhi and even Maithili”, says Mauzo.
Speaking further he cites the example of Goa’s finest Konkani writer,
Ravindra Kelekar, who got nominated for the Gyanpith Award only after
his works were translated. “There are many such examples. Take for
example Pundalik Naik’s plays, which have still not been translated,
or for that matter Mahabaleshwar Sail’s novel ‘Yug Sanvar’. This is
the reason people are still unaware about these Goan works of Konkani

Predominantly a short story writer Mauzo mentions that Goa is a mine
of short story writers and we need to tap the source in the best
possible way. “Writer Jose Lourenco once counted the number of short
stories written in Devnagri Konkani in dailies, weeklies and annual
magazines”, he shares.

“The count came to around 500 to 600 stories a year. But, sadly, we
are not cashing on this. We have the Goa Doordarshan channel, which is
not producing any quality matter except for news in Konkani. It is
actually a centre, but it has been reduced to just a programme
generating facility. There are no Konkani serials when we have so much
of material on hand. We need at least 12 hours of broadcast time on
Doordarshan”, he observes.

Mauzo is of the opinion that every writer has the freedom to choose
his/her script. “You can write in any script you want. As a writer one
should able to bind people first. This is most important. The writer
should also speak Konkani”, he says.

Taking a cue from history in order to settle this row he says, “In the
year 1939 a Konkani Parishad was held in Karwar, Karnataka to which
Konkani writers of different scripts were invited. At this Parishad it
was decided that Konkani should have one script and they nominated
Devnagri Konkani as it is best suited for the language and it also
belongs to the Indo-Aryan group of languages. This decision was taken
in 1939. We should not go on changing policies at the drop of a hat.”

Recalling another anecdote from Goa’s history, he says, “In the year
1963-64, Manohar Rai Sardesai had written the first text book in
Konkani and when doing so he had used both scripts – Devnagri and
Romi. But, at that time the priest community of Goa raised objection
as in their opinion such as act would divide the community and the
idea of dual scripts was dropped.”

Mauzo is the one of the co-founders of the Goa Art and Literary Fest
(GALF), which will be held in the month of December. He says, “We have
been successful in establishing intimacy between writers and readers.
Recently, I received an email from poet Keki Daruwalla, who had just
returned from the Bangalore Literary Fest. He mentioned that the Goa
Art and Literary Fest was the best and that we please keep it like

During the GALF the translation of Mauzo’s book ‘Rumadful’ (a
compilation of five long stories) will be released.
On a concluding note when asked to comment on the dearth of second
generation Goan writers, he says, “They are now busy with other
mediums like television and internet. There is not much emphasis on
reading and therefore, in turn, writing. But, I believe that this is a
transitory phase and people will have to come back to the written

(Sunaparanta Goa Center for the Arts, Altinho, Panaji, is hosting the
book release of Teresa’s Man and other stories from Goa, by Damodar
Mauzo and translated by Xavier Cotta, on October 24 at 6.30 p.m. the
book will be released by Amitav Ghosh. Salil Chaturvedi will introduce
the book.)

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