If you have heard about India’s Tatas but knew little about where they came 
from and how they made their journey, then this content is for you.

There are Indian conglomerates that have come up to and exceeded the wealth of 
the Tata Companies but none have touched the almost holy ground in India - the 
industries, the mines, the smelters, the hydroelectric and power complexes, the 
airline transport, the software monolith,  the scientific institutions and the 
hospitals that the Tatas built from scratch. And certainly none of them could 
even remotely aspire to the welfare and compassion that the Tatas spread far 
and wide.

If the bad side must be told along with the good, the stories of Bombay’s 
prosperity derived from the Opium trade with China that enriched the Parsees of 
the city should not have been omitted. Perhaps Eric our Bombay historian can 
tell whether it was also the source of wealth that set the Tatas on the road to 
their unparalleled enterprise.

It is very striking what one of the earlier Tatas said: “If we had to operate 
like other companies around us, we would have prospered more. But that is not 
what we wanted”.

Keepers Of The Flame


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