Soter ends his message: "what is a genuine and more pressing issue (to focus
upon) from those issues bliown out of proportion to systematically deflect
public attention."  

I do not pretend to know all the facts but after a lifetime living in UK
with a right-wing media stranglehold on news I believe systematic
misinformation is typical. Politicians, bands and corporations here employ
PR guys so that they can deflect awkward questions. 

Stonewalling is easy for the rich and powerful, who can hire whoever is
useful. All kinds of strategies are used to subvert attention from the
facts. eg. the war on terror has enabled empire building by the police and
military, and a cloak of secrecy for government's dubious
repression/oppression of legitimate protest. Fake-concern for the public
during election fever soon disappears once politicians are in power.

Re criminalisation used to discredit opponents of mis-use of power: Riot
police were used against climate change protesters who do not want nuclear
power, ie. Arrested after UK police get rough with them, which reminds me of
the brothers arrested and man-handled in Quepem. The mines are a form of
fiefdom where the villagers are treated as a nuisance, ie. the land is taken
for purposes that are disadvantageous to local people.

Rita Grootendorst

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