Oct 11 2015 : The Times of India (Mumbai)Thinking Christians and a play that 
questions virgin birthJulio RibeiroI had not heard of the play ` Agnes of 
God' till the controversy erupted. In the theatre production of the play , 
written originally for American audiences by a New York based playwright some 
thirty years earlier, Agnes is a fictional character, a consecrated nun of the 
Catholic Church, who conceived a child despite her vow of celibacy. On being 
questioned by her Superior she insisted she was a virgin! The obvious intent of 
the playwright was to question the Catholic Church's dogma of the Virgin Birth 
of the central figure of Christianity , Jesus Christ.
It is this aspect of the controversy that roused the ire of fringe Christian 
groups and must certainly have disturbed the Catholic clergy . The ancillary 
damage to the regard and respect commanded by nuns in the Catholic world would 
be of secondary importance though the fringe groups I spoke about would harp on 
that aspect as well.

Delving first on the honour of the nuns I can only say that it is not 
impossible for a woman dedicated to a life of chastity and service, to err. An 
odd case in some remote corner of the world can occur. After all, priests and 
nuns are too numerous to count.They are human and human beings do deviate from 
the beaten path at times. Nuns who feel the urge for male companionship usually 
resign from their Orders and marry . There is nothing wrong in that. But 
instances like the one depicted in the play would be very unusual.

The Church would be able to absorb accusations about the sexual misconduct of 
their religious. It is common knowledge that many priests have transgressed the 
boundaries of propriety or worse paedophilia and homosexuality have attracted 
adverse notice in the West in particular.Even the greatest of Catholic 
theologians, Augustine of Hippo, had led a colourful life before he gave up 
philandering and devoted himself entirely to Christ. His seminal work “Civitas 
Dei“ or the “City of God“ is testimony to his absolute devotion to his beliefs. 
Pope Francis has not hesitated to admit that the Church has been amiss in 
trying to sweep misconduct of its priests under the carpet.

The sting in the play ` Agnes of God' lies in the allusion to the `Virgin 
Birth'. A nun going astray is small change to the larger issue of questioning a 
well-held belief. Christians have been indoctrinated in the last two millennia 
in the dogma that Jesus was born of a virgin. Thinking Christians will not 
object if the dogma is questioned. They know that beliefs cannot be put to the 
strict test of scientific proof. Every religion has its quota of beliefs that 
cannot stand scientific scrutiny. The mass of the followers of any religion are 
brought up on faith. In our country blind faith and belief is ingrained in the 
Indian psyche unlike in the Christian West where the spirit of inquiry has 
mellowed religious practices to much more moderate levels.

Virgin birth finds mention in Hindu mythology also! Kunti, daughter of the King 
of Kuntibhoja was granted a wish by the sage Durwasa, whom she had looked after 
so well when he stayed as an honoured guest in her father's palace. She 
conceived by the Sun God and gave birth to Karna without carnal intercourse. 
There are many such stories which have crystallized into beliefs in the sacred 
texts of every recognized religion.

My own take on such weighty matters that intrude into the realm of the 
meta-physical is not to spend too much time and thought on them lest it leaves 
one confused and isolated from the mainstream.

Go along with the beliefs and practices of the religion you are born into but 
never forgot that the most important and the common skein that flows through 
all religions is to do the right thing and not to wrong others.That is a tall 
call for us mortals to follow and hence is often forgotten in practice.

Some years ago the same Christian group objected to the screening of the film 
`Da Vinci Code' because it spoke of a fictional descendant of Jesus Christ by 
his fictional marriage to Mary of Magdalene. The Censor Board invited me to 
view the film be fore it was released. I did not see any challenge to my faith 
or beliefs after viewing the film and I am sure I will not find any such 
challenge after viewing ` Agnes of God'. Those who object on principle should 
not view it themselves but they should allow others with stronger faith than 
theirs to do so.

Personally , I believe that the teachings of Jesus Christ as reflected in his 
Parables are much more relevant to Christianity as a religion. The Parable of 
the adulterous woman and who should throw on her the first stone, the Parable 
of the Prodigal Son and the Parable of the Good Samaritan who tended to the 
traveler when he was attacked by thieves are what define the teachings of 
Jesus. It would be much more edifying if the protestors follow these teachings 
instead of trying to make themselves prominent through protests and demands for 

(The writer is a former police commissioner of Mumbai)


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