Tiatr 'Korta ti Vatt'
What type of a daughter is this?
What type of a doctor is she?
In a remote hilly region  there is a small neighourhood.
where there is no electricity, Telephone not even mobile network.
Only entertainment is the Radio.

The girl Minu  (Aesica Barreto)  lives with her parents  Minglu and Ruzai. 
(Roberto Rodrigues and Jenifer Araujo)
Minu  shown studding under kerosene lamp.
Her ambition was to become a doctor but how could she?
Another family next door, Jose and Kossu   (Paul A Fernandes & 
Remizia d’Souza) with  their handicapped  Crippled daughter 
Marie (Valencia D’Souza)
On a recommendation of an elderly respected Man Joku Titiv 
(Agnelo Furtado)  from the locality  Jose decides to 
help this ambitious  young girl to fulfill her dream, often without 
anybody’s knowledge. 

Jose uncle does everything, even sell / mortgage his agricultural 
property and house . Even steals gold from his own wife and handover 
to Minu to hide and use it for her education.
The Minu  is now not just a doctor but a top doctor  in the country. 
Everybody knows about it except her parents, the uncle and the 
whole of neighbourhood.
Dr. Minu  does not live in Goa now. 
The girl parents nor Uncle Jose heard from Minu ever since 
she left  for practice in the city
Nor she ever send any money back home.  
Once day the whole neighbourhood  gather at one place out side 
Minu’s House  to listen to the doctor’s Radio interview.  
To a question by the interviewer, she reluctantly gives credit to 
her parents but no mention of  Jose uncle at all.  Whole neghbourhood 
was upset as they all knew how much the Jose help her out and what he 
had  gone through..
The girl’s parents are not happy about it too, infact the mother is very 
angry and  publicly disown her daughter. 
Jose’s  daughter now has some hope, there is a specialist 
in Bombay who could cure his daughter  but whatever they had 
was spent..
Minu’s mother come to their rescue and even ready to sell their fields  
and house to raise money for the treatment or operation.
(Mind you, these two families never saw eye to eye each other,  are 
now good friends.  Jose even stays with them after he was disowned by
 his wife soon after she found out that her husband spend everything he
 had on the girl without even thinking of his own daughter) 

But why Jose does not want to accept  this generous offer?
Why he did not want to take her daughter to Bombay for treatment?
Well, it because he did not want to face this ungrateful lady doctor 
(The specialist Dr. Minu)
Marie, Jose’s daughter, says to her father 
‘ What have you not done  to this this girl (Minu)?
 Will  you not do this one favour  for your own daughter?’
What choice the father has now?
Next day they left for Bombay by train.
What happened there, you don’t want to know..
The doctor buzzes for next patient
It’s  their turn now..
No saying ‘hello’ no shake hand, no embracing not even a smile 
on Doctor’s face.
After going thru the case file the doctor said
‘When the same operation could have been done for Free at GMC
 Goa, why come here? (as if this was not enough..)
‘Total cost would be Rs. 2 lakh, plus my fees Rs.1 lakh and all money
must be deposited at the counter in advance’
Shocked uncle and her daughter quietly come out without uttering a 
But the moment he steps out, kept on uttering  just one line
‘Ghe hem bhangar Minu, tujem xim dovor’ (keep the gold with you, Minu)
Jose totally lost his mind.
Next day they are back home  and Jose keep repeating the same thing 
It was was at this time the whole neigbourhood  come to know who was 
the real thief  of Kossu’s  Gold.  Jose dies soon after.
Few days later, guess who is back in the neighbourhood?
It’s Dr. Minu.  No, she has not come back to her roots nor to pay visit to 
her parents. Her only son damaged  both of  his kidneys and needed 
urgent replacement 
No money in the world can buy him a matching kidney.  
But there was one hope, which they discovered from Marrie’s case file
Only Marie  can save the doctor’s son if she gives her one kidney.
What type of heart this doctor has?
Shameless doctor, is she?
She pleads, she cry for her son’s life  but no one show any piety for her.

Next. she wanted to see Uncle Jose but when she found out he is no 
more, It is at this time the Doctor. screamed /wailed even louder 
realizing she is the one who is responsible for all this.  

Kneeling down before everyone..
‘ I came here to save my son, please, I don’t want the kidney now,
all  I  now want is the forgiveness,  please forgive me and I will 
quietly return back walking my own way (road) created by myself’
KORTA TI VATT a tiatr by Avito A Fernandes
(Goykarachi Konkani Bhas, Songot Kala andi Sonskrutai Kendr,
Merces Goa) was the 14th entry in the ongoing 36th Tiatr Competition
by Kala Academy.  Staged on 18th Oct. 2010.

There were 2 more characters from the village 
Lipu (Leopold Rodrigues) and Mathew (Mathew d’Souza) provided comedy
Stage set up was good.
A typical village life with a hut and a haystack etc.
Fresh water spring and passing of trains also shown
The end part was really good.
Dr. Minu’s role almost brought tears in many eyes
As such JoeGoaUk’s top prize for acting jointly goes to
Uncle Jose amd Dr. Minu (Paul Fernandes & Aesica Barreto)
The tiatr has 10 songs 
Aniceto Laurenco (2), Alvito ARaujo, Bonny Alvim (2)
Deepti Coutinho (2), Preeti Coutinho (2), Joshlyn Gracias,
Jessica Gomes (2), Master Maythan Barreto (2), Melba Mendes,
Destor Furtado, Benson Joao, Carol Rego, Tony de Ribandar.
Aniceto, Maythan, Jesica, etc were some of the best.
But JoeGoaUk’s top prize for best singing/lyrics unusually
goes to the opening chorus duo singer  Alvito Araujo and Bonny Alvim

Vulgarity in the comedy part noted several times
e.g. Whn Konsu said ‘Hanv nidonk voitam’
to which a  comedian ask ‘konache borobor?;
(When Konsu said ‘I am going to sleep’ a Comedian  asked ‘ 
..sleeping with whom?’
Although audience took it lightly but the judges could take it  seriously.
Running  train shown was too small and appeared even samller from 
the distant.
In one scene, the two characters appeared moving  but  everything else 
was moving/ going backward including the hut (as in bollywood tricks) 
but what was not moving were the hills to the right.
When spring came in (above scene)  the water actually started oozing 
out after some time as if it was oozing out  miraculously 
Ok some stage pics





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