There comes a moment in life to pause
To ponder over  achievements,joys and its cause
Many a things may  still to be done
To please the hearts and minds of everyone

Limitations are there and will  always  haunt
What is undone is not what one want
Things could be done in a better way
Do you very  best  is what   they say

Our good deeds to others must benefit
It can be the smallest of  a gift
It is materialised with effort  and pain
For a social benefit not personal gain

Thoughts for others is a supreme vision
Entertain no doubts ,conflict or confusion
Jealousy ,envy   are attempts to discredit
The test that will stand is social benefit

Our contributions to the society in which we live
Some pains; sorrows will relieve
The little sacrifices efforts  of  anyone
Are certain to touch hearts, minds of everyone

Criticism ,direct or otherwise  is envious food
Selfishness not to  do good ,but poison the mood
Stopping at every dog that barks on the way
Derails your forward journey they say

Never ever  wait for another day
Uncertain is  tomorrow wise say
Progress in the society comes from individual act
Dare to move forward not adversely react

Happiness is ability to give your best
Thinking and living for others is the acid test
The everlasting reward and boundless joy
Internal feelings of satisfaction  to enjoy

Contributions for social welfare will long last
The shadow of goodness it does cast
Opportunities for improvements are vast
Look forward to the future  not dwell in the past

Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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