                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


To Trust or not to Trust ?

A shattered sister came to Bailancho Saad.Her violent brother in the dead of 
the night had raped her. She  had complained  to her mother who yelled  at her 
in utter  disbelief. Preeti (name changed ) had a marital problem and  was 
staying at her mothers’s house .Her  mother thought   that she was having bad 
dreams. Emboldened, the brother attempts again. She screams, the mother awakes 
and is an eyewitness to the sexual assault. The Family honour was   at 
stake.Who would believe her? She was already accused of making false 
allegations of torture against her husband, Now she will be accused of making 
allegations against her brother. Will the mother stand by her daughter or son? 
The case never got registered. Preeti had to make do with alternative 
accommodation and counsellng.

A distraught young bride approaches the organization. An older relative was 
sent as an escort to this young bride to complete some rituals at a temple in 
another village before their family deity, so that her ailing husband could be 
cured. She was drugged and raped by the relative. Will her husband and in laws 
of a few months support her? Will her natal family support her? Should she risk 
defamation and breakup of her marriage? She decides not to complain.

In yet another incident a minor girl goes to play with other kids in her 
neighbor’s house. The mother calls out. The child does not respond, so she goes 
to the house only to witness the sexual abuse of her daughter by the neighbour, 
while his kids were playing outside. The mother is agitated and decides to 
complain. With the child, we go to the police station to lodge a complaint. A 
woman police officer painstakingly records the child’s statement. It was an 
emotionally, mentally and physically, an exhausting exercise. Suddenly it 
struck the mother. What if this incident triggers a fresh bout of psychological 
problems in her husband? He was on medication for depression. A few hours in 
the police station gave her an indication of what it entails registering a 
case. We returned without putting the signature on the complaint

The list is long of sordid stories, of sexual assault by fathers, brothers, 
husbands, , boyfriends, friends , teachers, doctors, religious  heads, brothers 
in law, fathers in law, cousins ,uncles,  neighbours ,colleagues , employers, 
employees, driver,. policemen, politicians etc.  Many of these cases have not 
come into the public domain.

Whom do we trust?  Is every man a potential rapist? Should he be trusted?  
If you dare to trust, be prepared for a breach of trust .If there is a breach 
of trust be prepared to face the charge ‘why did you trust?’

Fiona, who made the authorities register the complaint of drugging, raping and 
murder of her daughter Scarlet, faces the charge “How come a mother trusted a 
friend of two months to look after her minor daughter in a foreign land, while 
she went on a holiday with the other kids? 

We in turn ask: ‘What is the Test for Trust? !!!

Sabina Martins

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