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Dear brothers and sisters
God is power. He is supreme. There cannot be any other supreme force to 
compete with God. While giving us the ten commandments He clearly said with 
authority "I am the Lord your God." He does not like people to make anyone 
one or anything as equal to God. God is telling us that He does not like 
false gods. So what is a false god ? Many of us may think that god which is 
not catholic is a false god. It is foolish to think this way. In you life 
anything that is given prime importance where in a person day and night is 
worried about that item can make that item a false god. Your beautiful self, 
your beautiful wife, your intelligence, your popularity, money, property all 
can be false gods.Paul speaks to us in the first chapter to the Romans 
regarding statues. If this year is dedicated to the word of God it ishigh 
time we lay emphasis on the word of God. If we are to take the word of God 
coming down to us from God himself than it is time  we change ourselves. 
Tomorrow hell should not be in our possession just because of our belief 
which did not take us to the Father. Like Ignatius de Loyala I too will say 
the same thing. What does it profit a person to gain titles and lose one's 
soul ? we may live maximimum to hundred years or even less and if hell is 
our birthright what is the use ? Jesus himself has told us to come to him as 
he is the salvation. why do you search him among the dead ? He is with us 
living till this date, open your eyes and receive him, see him and recognise 
him. Your ancestors were uneducated and bible was out of reach to them, u 
have education and can understand. Read the bible and assimilate it and God 
will speak to you. Repeated prayers like the parrot have no meaning. Others 
do that because the language  is not known to them not you for you are the 
chosen one be the chosen one

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