*Towards the Fear of division of votes to bring back the BJP *

We have heard this argument ad nauseaum, every election year. And we have
seen that every time either the Congress or the BJP have been coming to
power. Worst still,  if it is not the Congress, then it is the BJP and vice
versa. One has been core corrupt and the other corrupt as well as communal.
[BTW The first communal riots took place in Goa during the so called
non-communal Congress' regime,  removing the dividing line between the
Congress and the BJP tagging them as non-communal and communal].

Politics is a game that draws many players. And one cannot stop more
players coming in to play or spoil the game. It is a free world of 21st
Century Democracy. It is the game of rolling one's own wheel, the wheel one
has re-invented. No one  wants to roll the wheel that has been invented by
some one else. Some want it BIG. Some want it SMALL. Some want it OBLONG.
Some want it SQUARE, so on and so forth with each one having a distinctive
character of its own.

GSRP re-invented the political wheel [for GOA]  because, at that time, the
a sturdy GOAN wheel was the need of the hour, not the wheel which had its
trade mark of DELHI, NAGPUR etc,  when Congressman Sardinha ditched the
Congress to form his own 'People's Party', join up with the Communal BJP to
become Goa's CM. It was with this backgroud that GSRP was forced to
re-invent a different type of a wheel with many study spokes so that it
would roll up to entire Goa and not get bogged down. Unfortunately, the
roll did not happen because the very fuel that is required to fire its
rolling engine  was denied i.e. 'MONEY' from money-bags. Instead this wheel
was expected to be rolled manually by many a hands which, unfortunately,
stayed on the sidelines watching who would be the first to put his/her
hands, not wanting to multiply the effort to make it roll easy.

The fear of the division of votes has reached a crecendo, presently,  with
more and more players jumping into the bull-fighting ring with the
disillusionment with the BJP, it having been voted to power against the
Congress,  thinking that it will make 'mannas' rain down on Goa and Goans.
What expectation ! even from the much wisend Church of Goa. Enter Goa
Forward> to revive the depleted fortunes of  the Congress, with all its MGP
communals having steered it off the road, to bring it back on course to
fill the dried out coffers. And there is AAP, another National Player,
 even ready to give Goa the Special Status, ready to cut off its hands, all
for the love of  Goa and Goans,  with a Gujarati of Bharat Swabiman fame
leading it, as if all there are  no Goans to lead AAP in Goa. What audacity.

We at GSRP believe that all these political pundits and pseudo-political
pundits, who have a game to play are discrediting  the GOAN ELECTORATE and
take them to be the fools on this Russian Roulet of 'DIVISION OF VOTES'  .
They must remember that the Goan  ELECTORATE is an intelligent,
educated electorate,  and they do not vote for MONEY. Those who vote for
MONEY and GODDIES are the migrant vote-banks of politicians. The Goan
Electorate knows that Goa has been looted by keeping them divided, whether
it be Congress or the BJP. And now, when the BJP has realised that its
communal agenda has provoked the Goan Electorate, it is hell bent on
selling Goa to the highest bidder in the name of IPB where even Goa's
Coconut Tree is not spared, in the bid to make money as a last ditch resort.

GSRP believes that Goa's political spectrum is like a market place where
all are trying to sell the same thing to the people of Goa, the
'good-governance' politics when the elections are approaching. They have
done so in the past and after getting elected, the 'good-governance'
politics has overnight turned into 'PERSONAL INTEREST GOVERNANCE'.
politics. And, Goans do not need to be reminded of this. If the political
parties could vote  themselves to power, then it would be a different
matter. But unfortunately, they cannot. The PEOPLE  have to vote them to
power. Therefore, apart from spreading the fear psychosis about division of
votes, they are ready to promise anything and everything on a silver
platter. AAP is selling Arvind Kejriwal to the people of  Goa.
Unfortunately, they cannot erase the U-TURNS that he has been taking with
Delhi'ites beginning to lose faith in him. GOANS haved shopped before in
the market place and they will shop for this election too. They know who is
selling the best item for less and they will pick it up with their vote. If
this is the case, then where is the 'division of votes'  When people know
whom to vote for and why, the question of division of votes does not arise
at all.

All that the leaders of Goa who are leading their respective flocks must
advise these flocks  to replicate shopping in a market to casting of their
precious vote for themselves, and not to make the politicians rich and
powerful over them.  If this is done, the rest will follow, because,  when
it comes to shopping for things, people ask many questions, want to see the
WARRANTY etc etc. They will compare the prices elsewhere, and then and only
then make their choice. So also, this time the intelligent electorate of
GOA, which has been duped for far too long with false promises, will zero
in on their choice and give Goa and themselves GOA'S OWN HIGH COMMAND IN
GOA for the first time against all odds and try it for a 5 year term. And
like SINGAPORE where the late Lee Kwan Yu's Party, the  PAP has been
rulling since Singapore's  independence in 1947, Goans will have no use for
any other party when they begin to taste the sample of GSRP's governance,

Therefore, the advice that GSRP is offering GOANS is to check-out what you
are voting for,  before you vote,  all the while remembering that you shall
not in Swindon, UK,  not in Lisbon, Portugal, Canada, U.S of A, Australia,
New Zealand et al, for, there are not many COCONUT TREES  swaying in the
winds there,  like they abound in your beautiful GOA.

Mob: 9890470896
Email: goasura...@gmail.com
Website: www.goasu-raj.com


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