More than 2000 years ago, the first authorial poet of the western world,
Hesiod wrote about the even more ancient myth of Pandora.

Driven by curiosity, this first-ever woman, the mother of all humanity, was
said to have opened a container (often referred to as a box) that unleashed
an unstoppable flurry of travails on the world. In his contemporaneous *The
Iliad*, Homer describes how those afflicted “will be pointed at by the
finger of scorn [and they] will go up and down the face of the earth
respected neither by Gods and Men.”

That precise classical allusion wasn’t in the minds of leadership of the
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) - the
non-profit network based in Washington D.C. – upon the release of its
findings from the largest investigation in history earlier this week as the
“Pandora Papers.”

The ICIJ meant only the popular notion of “an outpouring of trouble and
woe” but there’s no doubt their revelations are painful public
embarrassment for many important people, including hundreds in South Asia.

As the organization’s managing editor Fergus Shiel summarizes, “the most
expansive leak of tax haven files in history” has exposed “the secret deals
and hidden assets of more than 330 politicians and high-level public
officials in more than 90 countries and territories.”

About 11.9 million pages of confidential information from 14 offshore
financial services providers, Shiel says, “Ambassadors, mayors and
ministers, presidential advisers, generals and a central bank governor
appear in the files [along with] more than 130 billionaires from 45
countries…Other clients include bankers, big political donors, arms
dealers, international criminals, pop stars, spy chiefs and sporting

Some prominent names “include King Abdullah II of Jordan, the prime
ministers of Côte d’Ivoire and the Czech Republic, the presidents of
Ecuador, Kenya and Gabon and the former presidents of El Salvador, Panama,
Paraguay and Honduras.”

This database of shenanigans includes more than 700 Pakistani citizens. The
ICIJ notes that prime minister Imran Khan – who rose to power “on the back
of promises to arrest Pakistan’s ‘corrupt’ political elites” was not named.
But two members of his cabinet were, as well as “family members of several
high-ranking military officials [and] donors to Khan’s Tehreek-e-Insaf

Across the border in India, the ICIJ’s partner *The Indian Express*
editorialized on Oct 6 that “global elites continue to exploit the cracks
in tax laws and the lax jurisdiction in tax havens to ring-fence their
assets.” About the more than 300 Indians caught out, it pointed out “there
is a distinction between tax avoidance and evasion [but] such structures
are typically used to not pay taxes, launder money gotten through illegal
means, and to sequester assets.”

As you might expect, there are many usual suspects among this rogue’s
gallery of shady operators: egregious swindler Nirav Modi’s sister, the
extraordinarily incompetent would-be tycoon Anil Ambani, and a string of
what the *Indian Express* describes as “big-ticket loan defaulters who
declare themselves bankrupt [but actually] hold billions via offshore
entities abroad.”

In this collection of outright crooks, it’s both surprising and sad to see
the name of Sachin Tendulkar. To be sure, it’s unclear the legendary
cricketer has committed any wrongdoing, and his lawyers have sternly
admonished *The Indian Express* “to ensure that neither The Indian Express
nor the ICIJ attributes or alleges any improper or illegal motives to Mr.
Tendulkar’s legitimate investments.”

But the court of public opinion can’t be controlled quite easily, because
humans react viscerally to what they recognize as contradictions no matter
what the legal intricacies may indicate. This is precisely what Homer was
talking about all those centuries ago in *The Iliad*: “Hateful to me as the
gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks

What’s at stake here is perhaps best illustrated by the case of Kiran
Mazumdar-Shaw, the pioneering 68-year-old billionaire entrepreneur, and
founder of the biopharmaceutical giant Biocon Ltd, who is one of the most
celebrated businesswomen in the world. In its Oct 6 report, *The Indian
Express *revealed that her husband, the British national John Shaw, owns a
Mauritius-based company which “holds cash and investments of about $55
million, and real estate including four properties in London, one in
Barcelona and one in a New York upscale residential building, cumulatively
valued at approximately $30 million.”

Again, it’s quite possible that all of this is perfectly legal, and that’s
what Mazumdar-Shaw has forcefully reiterated this week: “I would like to
state that these stories have grossly misrepresented the facts.”

But the optics are undeniably ugly, especially given the context of Ms.
Mazumdar-Shaw’s tweet on April 8 this year (she later said it was a joke
and deleted it) that “Income tax payers should be given vaccine first. They
are only 3 crores. If they die, how will the country survive.”

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