Transfers and protests around churches

The recent protests at Carmona and Benaulim needs a serious thought to
address the issues  and  diffuse the situation before it explodes into a
public scandal
One need to understand that the right of placements is the prerogative  of
authorities alone  .Any transfers before the fixed tenure raises serious
doubts  leading to speculations .The Parishioners must understand  that
demands against set norms will open a Pandora box and undermie   the
authority of  the church authority and leadership  There is  a feeling
 too that postings have  achieved  a political hue of favouritism.The
indirect meddling and influence of politicians  need to be nipped in the
bud . It is common knowledge that pulpit is increasingly  being used  in
disguise of political  education  If at all such unsolicited guidance shall
be resorted to in specially convened meetings for the purpose  . The
success of such gatherings  will indicate the barometer of self assumed
roles of   over .zealous priests and their political wisdom  Goans of today
are well versed and informed to swallow one-sided motivated advise.The
politicians openly and discretely  confess  of certain  priests to be on
their role For safety  ad purity of purpose  all political advise from the
sanctity of  pulpit  be banned by an official edict.Politicians often are
behind formenting  public dissent  with an   axe to grind
The notion that priest can do no wrong and attempts to shield the wrong
doers  under  all circumstances sends awrong messages.The protest movements
then take  U turns  and such public manifestations  and the casualty is the
faith and hierarchy  .The present incident has been resolved due  to
suomotu resignation whether inspired or not and a solution of short  under
The church now is slowly turning into commercial establishment   having to
pay for every service like hospital  model. Yet the Parishioers are begged
to donate  for all projects   There is no transparency of accouts of
income  and ependiture as was done  reguarly earier in parish bulletinS.The
suggestion   that parishioners can check the open accounts  is only a
deceptive  measure to appear to be transparent. DONATIOS are piously
announced  but no hint on how the resoures are  spent
The church increasingly being coverted into private property . The trust
in  the church bodies is at a discount The parishioers must  be involved
directly at all stages  of collections, spending  and supervision  It is
totally  an eyewash  that the various  churh committees are appointed by
the authorities when in  actuality they are recommended by the PP just to
give legitimacy
Major problems brewing  underneath are financial bunglings and PP assuming
as if the  Church is his private property and his  vision is ultimate  .As
any  and all projects  are for the  parishioners , supported by their fuds
even if sourced from outside ,their views and opinions  must matter the
most  The authorities  must therefore ensure that Parishioners  consensus
is verified  before authorising major decisions
Almost major contentions are due to financial  impropriety  and few
arising  from authoritarian arrogance There are increasing signs  of
disobedience  and defyig  of directives of superiors  and threatening  to
reject  the postings .Due to paucity of priest's   and falling vocations
the authorities are forced to take lenient view and look the other way
around perhaps.The rumours of lobbying  for postings at  affluent parishes
is not without  reasons Some have dictated  even who their assistants
 should be
The lifestyles and behaviours do not inspire  confidence  and  service
motive .It  is appearing  like a profession  with attractions  towards
worldly   life
The scandalous incidents at Carmona  may have been forgotten  due to
inability of authorities  to appear to be  fair and just .The faitful are
vertically divided  and young priest sacrificed  at the alter  of
convenience  by permitting the perpetrator to go scot free by displaying
helplessness of the authorities  by giving indirect
 Consent and maintaining  status co
The priest must in obedience   respect the decision of authority and be
committed to a life dedicated to service  free from chasing worldly
attractions unlike laymen.The priest vowed to follow christ must walk in
his footsteps, spread his mesaage and strenghtened   the faith of his
folliwers and in strict obedience tosuperiors
Nelson Lopes Chinchiim

Nelson Lopes
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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