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Almir de Sousa's response may be read as response to the following
column of mine:

Is Almir de Sousa the  veteran priest in Ucassaim? There was no need to hide
the clerical prefix. It is also strange that he should identify me with 
just one role, as if a historian or a professor cannot have other 
social functions to perform! 

He failed to respond to most questions raised. Questions raised just 
by one or few persons do not become less valid or relevant than 
questions raised by a crowd. Floriano's lone voice is less relevant than of
the large parties? But Floriano saw Fr. Almir's logic differently!

And there is the oft repeated clerical defence of presenting the 
church as a body of sinners and liable to make mistakes! Are the 
priests any privileged sinners and beyond correction as any normal 

Almir seems to read Herald only when it suits him. The classification of 
servants and rebels was used by Dr. F.E. Noronha in the concluding 
para of his Opinion column in Herald. Almir attributes the originality to me
and the whole harangue follows! Also several other conclusions he draws are
emotional and non sequitur.  

Teotonio R. de Souza 

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