
Arrest Those Who Threaten and Abuse John DayalSign the petition

John Dayal: Complaints filed for abuse/threats against me; Sept 12th

==================Trolling John Dayal is just another attempt to kill Right To 

Full disclosure: John Dayal is my father, but more than that, he is a citizen 
of democratic India. I am his daughter, and as importantly, another citizen of 
democratic India. I believe that the Right to Dissent is what makes India a 
vibrant Democracy. I write this in defense of the right that all Indians should 
be allowed to exercise freely. If I do not write this post, I fear I may have 
to write an obituary.I do not wish to wait to write an obituary for John Dayal, 
my father, an Indian citizen, journalist and minority rights activist. I have 
seen his activism grow each day, and his savings deplete, because he is too 
voluble, too opinionated, and too unafraid to be employed as a full-time 
working journalist that he once was. That was his choice to make. He lives by 
the choice, and makes a living with the spare writing or speaking assignment 
that comes his way.However, what should not be a choice is his right to live 
fearlessly in his own country. His activism does not give permission, to those 
who do not agree, to unleash threats and abuse online.Late last night, I 
checked Twitter one final time as I was leaving office, and sawShameOnJohnDayal 
as a top trend. Twitter abuse for him, and sometimes for me as a package deal, 
is not new. But this level of venom was. It trended for hours, each tweet and 
RT a new dose of venom and hate.A few minutes into it, and it was obvious to 
see that a conversation had turned into an open attack in reaction to these 
tweets.Disagreements turned into abuse and slander, and of course, incitement 
for the man to be done away with.Just threatened online? Why is that a problem 
for a known journalist-activist?Unfortunately, those who threaten and abuse on 
social media have now begun to act on them. The brutal murders, most recently 
of academic, activist MM Kalburgi in Karnataka last month, followed by death 
threats to Mysore-based rationalist KS Bhagawan, are a testimony to the 
fact.Or, in the recent past, the murders of Pune-based rationalist Narendra 
Achyut Dabholkar, and how can we forget the murder of activist-rationalist 
Govind Pansare?The threats were there online, perhaps too mild for us to hear. 
Till the gunshots rang out.These men lived to their retirement age, perhaps 
because there was no social media to bring together their attackers. Remember 
Sabeen Mahmud, the activist who was shot in Pakistan hours after she tweeted a 
photo of a Baloch activist speaking at a seminar she hosted in Pakistan? She 
did not get to live into her 40s. Nor did the murdered Bangladeshibloggers.We 
are not Bangladesh or Pakistan, where bloggers and activists are brutally 
killed on the streets. We are not ISIS-controlled areas or desert nations where 
even suspected dissent results in videographed beheadings.Unfortunately, we are 
coming close. The Right to Dissent, which has won us our freedom from the 
British, is now under a grave threat.Perhaps the threat was always there; it is 
now visible because opinions and the attacks that follow now spread like 
wildfire online. Does anyone remember how UR Ananthamurthy was trolled, and 
tickets sent for him to go to Pakistan because of his critical writings?Social 
media is a double-edged sword. It has become a potent tool for web-connected 
tech savvy activists to share their dissent, opinions and start conversations. 
The sharper edge, however, is controlled by a dangerous group. We call them 
trolls, but they are not as simple as that. The trends are started with social 
media expertise. The numbers grow slowly and steadily, gaining followers and 
reposts with additional venom.Ask any actor who has dared to express and 
opinion online. Or for that matter a gender rights activists. Or just go online 
and see how people who dare say a word against any right-wing organization, are 
treated.Activists, writers and members of the general public are signing this 
petition started by Kavita Krishnan of AIPWA, herself a target of hate speech 
and rape+murder threats.However, my question is simple. Should we, the 
citizens, be afraid to voice an opinion in our own country, lest the organized 
army of trolls spots us and launches online campaigns to inspire on-ground 
attacks? Should we just wait for another murder and then take out a candlelight 
peace march?I seek your advice on what direction this conversation must now 
take. Should Right to Dissent be protected? Or should we toe the line and hope 
the silence does not kill us? TWEET (0)  SHARE (570)  SHARE  REDDIT


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