Hi Folks, 
Just got back from a short break from a Hidden Cornwall mini holiday 
www.stives-cornwall.co.uk/about-our-town/the-beachesVisit Cornwall | Holidays 
in Cornwall UK |... Visit Cornwall | Holidays in Cornwall UK | Official Tourist 
Board and was pleased as a Cornish pasty to read the reply from Melvyn 
Fernandes in response to my : A Short timeline= Goan Association(uk) 
Hi Joe, before we all become doddery and gaga my short response to your 
note.....       Visit Cornwall | Holidays in Cornwall UK | Official Tour...The 
Official Tourist Board online visitor guide to Cornwall, UK. Everything you 
need to know; What's on, Where to stay, Things to do, Cornwall maps, guide to 
beache... View on www.visitcornwall.comPreview by Yahoo  I have had a string of 
very informative replies to my short timeline history of  the Goan Association 
(UK) but Melvyn's response has been the most  definitive and would consider to 
be the best of it type todate. He has given us some indications as to the 
makeup of the Goan Association as it was in the earlier years and as it is 
today, which I know from previous experience most of us will find very 
interesting and possibly hard to believe .  Regards, 

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Melvyn Fernandes 
To: JosephRebello
Cc: lisa monteiro 
Sent: Sunday, 22 May 2016, 14:54
Subject: RE: Fw: A very short Timeline  of important events in our Goan 
Association (UK) history in the making in London - UK

A Short timeline= Goan Association(uk) Hi Joe, before we all become doddery and 
gaga my short response to your note All that glitters is not Gold in Rip off 
Britain, The Goan Overseas Association UK was registered and known as The 
G.O.A. UK Limited over the years it was felt that as we live here in the United 
Kingdom the term Overseas' was not appropriate, hence the trading name of Goan 
Association UK a company limited by guarantee registered in the United Kingdom 
to safeguard members liability, assets and that of office bearers who are 
elected by the general body at an AGM.    We have been to court at least seven 
times IN FORTY YEARS due to the foolishness of office bearers under the theme 
“in the interest of the association”. As our people keep looking the other way, 
the underdeveloped crab school of thought   has given way, in my opinion, to 
the infestation of cockroaches taking office over the last ten years  with 
self-enrichment in mind.   It appears some   people are even helicoptered  into 
positions  to cash in specifically in the Golden Year of the Goan Association 
(UK)and then helicopter themselves out again . This illuminates the street 
credibility and decision making process in pricing the entrance fee for the 
Gold Anniversary celebration where the complimentary guest list will also shine 
to match the band, giving an atmosphere of sunshine in a fools paradise.    Our 
goenkarpon only have to remember the 2015 trumpeting of attendance figures on 
“Goa Day” aka UK Goan Festival at Cranford , and when questioned, the 
“complimentary” ticket response as seen on the video below (starting from 
minute 8.57).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXwSqVZsavs   Rewinding back ten 
years a three bedroom flat on the 13th floor of a tower block at Ilford was 
purchased in cash with money from the sale of the GOA Clubhouse and grounds 
which many of us remember.   From my recollection, contracts were exchanged 
within half an hour.   I was told at a board meeting that money in the Money 
markets can go missing from the Bank and needs to be ring fenced. There was no 
mention of  yield from money ring-fenced  being credited to the Bank. As far as 
I am aware, the Rental income stream cannot be known or verified as Auditing 
process has been removed (ENOE). Rental Income 2015 @ £1,478.75 PCM =      
£17,745.00 Outgoings:             Ground Rent                  £252.00 Estate 
Agent Fees       £1,397.00 Service Charges          £3,468.00 Sundry Mainanence 
        £78.00                       (5,195.00) Net Income                      
                                £12,550.00 As you are aware I did not renew my 
membership and after over 35 years as an active member my address was 
immediately deleted from the membership roll. This is another issue. So Joe I 
must commend you as an active Life Member for the items stored up your sleeve, 
this will have slowed down the decay, sudden death or even voluntary 
liquidation of the company, Administrators will need to claw back funds back to 
the company.    The United Kingdom Government recently hosted a conference on 
Fraud and Corruption. I am sure the appropriate Secretary of State will also be 
interested. The goauk.com website advises that the 12 Voluntary  Directors are 
supported by a General Secretary and a Company Secretary  I can only assume 
these two posts are self-appointed and remunerated to practice financial 
terrorism on the company as instructed by the servants of the company.  People 
have complained that they get no response to their enquiries. Unaccountable 
income streams from Raffles, Sob stories, coffin collections for ppp in the 
name of charity and welfare cannot be dismissed As the Family Raj manipulate 
and  take hold of office  every three years  there is also an opportunity for 
our learned  members to connect with the instruments of law and  snatch back 
the Association with all its rules and regulations working in harmony and 
values of  our community. I can recall the days of Committee meetings held at 
BOAC Speedbird Club, under damp lampposts in the Strand before getting shelter 
at India House. At  Ravensbourne we had for the very first time our very own 
address,  Clubhouse, Caretakers Bungalow  with six and half acres of land, 
destroyed by what I can see as dishonourable people . Today our youth are once 
again roaming the streets of London for venues nourishing the coffers of 
others, achievement or what? I observe our  small community disintegrating  in 
multi cultural Britain like mongrels into all of pond life as they have nowhere 
to go and are intentionally homeless. Village and other Goan organisations with 
and without mandate play an important part in preserving our rich culture and 
heritage.    Meeting our peoples needs  with Greed is not acceptable . Through 
social media we cannot be gagged, do keep up the valuable work, much 
appreciated. Melvyn Fernandes Hon. Community worker(since 1974) Thornton Heath 
Surrey 22 May 2016         

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