Thank you for sharing your experience at an establishment in Goa where you were 
served spoilt fish in curry. The human body is a magnificent piece of 
engineering, in this case your taste buds sent a message to your brain that was 
forwarded to your hand to put aside the dish whilst fellow villagers who 
laughed at the “tourist” and ate the fish later started running to the toilet. 
The defence system in your body worked and probably saved your life. The people 
who served the food had no interest in the duty of care and attention for their 
patrons welfare, this is a perfect example of cockroach mentality and 
self-enrichment to extract money for food not fit for human consumption.   
Local people are used to living in filth and would not have noticed any 
difference.   Bless them.   Our legislators in the UK legislate for the public 
good, had it not been for their intervention who knows how many of our people 
at the Goan Festival 2015 – Cranford England would have suffered as their needs 
are normally met with greed and no accountability. The DNA in us indicates we 
have a long way to go in separating peasant thinking and money.
Your Travel Insurance would be ineffective and you may have suffered the same 
fate as my friend Joel who yesterday was taken to Mapusa  Azilio Hospital after 
a cough and chest problem. He was given” oxygen” and died seconds later.  
Funeral was today at 3.30.  What mechanisms if any do we have in Goa that would 
have prevented this.   I am not a medical practitioner and it appears he was 
given the wrong treatment, with respect and condolences to his family can 
someone verify as in Goa Today and other parts of our planet anything goes.   
He was a sincere Goa Man and a good friend. Can everybody work together to 
bring back the Goa we all love and talk about.
You mention expensive hung steaks in Toronto, we also have in London places 
where meat and Poultry is hung until maggots set in, one can find this in upper 
class restaurants  and are not my taste.   Our Goan food, music and culture is 
unique and should be preserved.   There is a following at 
www.goanculinarynetwork  that may be of interest to you.   Specially the 
Younger  generation weaned on Broiler Chicken and Chips, Buggers and Kebabs and 
are neither here or there stuck in all of pond life.
Just as Nature brings in the monsoons to wash down the litter in Goa revealing 
the green and beautiful land in the mist as sunrise peeps through the clouds 
each morning , can our worldwide community jet wash all the rubbish that has 
embedded our community and bring out the real nicey, nicey Goan in all of us. 
World Goa Day 2015 19 August can be a start.
Best Regards
Melvyn Fernandes
Thornton Heath
6 August 2015

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