Dear all,

We have nearly crossed the finish line. Thanks to all who have donated, $4,067 
has been collected as of today for Ryan's summer camp out of a total goal of 
$4,800. You looked at his sweet happy child's face and saw your Goan DNA and 
reached into your pockets. He became our child over the last 10 days and now 
has a chance as he copes with cerebral palsy.

Yes, Ryan is now going to summer camp starting next week and has this 
opportunity you have provided him. His parents, the LA GOA and Goa Sudharop 
profoundly thank you.

If you wish to donate and have not done so, see appeal at Any amount collected over 
the goal of $4,800 will be used for Ryan's after school classes, also conducted 
by the same NGO organization ConducAbility which is holding the summer camp.

You can donate online to ConducAbility ( which 
is a organizing the summer camp. Your donation is tax-deductible for US 

You can donate directly to ConducAbility at While making your donation there is a 
place to indicate it is for Ryan Andrade.

Do not send donations for this appeal to Goa Sudharop or LA GOA but directly to 
ConducAbility. Please send an email to Ryan's mom Rochelle at so she can track your donation you are making through 

If you prefer to mail a check, make it payable to "CONDUCABILITY", indicate 
"For Ryan Andrade" in the memo section and mail check to:
Rochelle Andrade, PO Box 1213, Claremont, CALIFORNIA, 91711, USA.

See appeal at

Thank you.

Goa Sudharop

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