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                        Happy New Year Twenty-Ten


US to honour Mother Teresa

January 04, 2010 09:01 IST

The US Postal Service announced over the weekend that Nobel Peace Prize
winner Mother Teresa and legendary Hollywood actress Katharine Hepburn are
among the subjects headlining the 2010 stamp programme. The stamp is
tentatively planned to go on sale nationwide August 26, 2010, on the
birthday of Mother Teresa, who received the Nobel Prize in 1979 for
humanitarian work.The diminutive Roman Catholic nun and honorary US citizen
was known for her compassion towards the poor and served the sick and
destitute of India and the world for nearly 50 years.  'With this stamp, the
US Postal Service recognises Mother Teresa Her humility and compassion as
well as her respect for the innate worth and dignity of humankind, inspired
people of all ages and backgrounds to work on behalf of the world's poorest
populations,' the USPS said.  An ethnic Albanian, who was born Agnes Gonxha
Bojaxhiu Aug. 26, 1910, in Skopje in what is now the Republic of Macedonia,
she left her home at the age of 18 to serve as a Roman Catholic missionary
in India in 1929.  Having adopted the name of Sister Mary Teresa, she
underwent initial training in religious life at a convent in Darjeeling and
two years later, she took temporary vows as a nun before transferring to a
convent in Kolkata.  She became known as Mother Teresa in 1937, when she
took her final vows.  When Mother Teresa accepted the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize
-- one of her numerous honours and distinctions -- she did so 'in the name
of the poor, the hungry, the sick and the lonely,' and convinced the
organisers to donate to the needy the money normally used to fund the
awards' banquet. Well respected worldwide, she successfully urged many of
the world's business and political leaders to give their time and resources
to help those in need.  The stamp features a portrait of Mother Teresa,
painted by award-winning artist Thomas Blackshear II.  Mother Teresa, who
died in Kolkata on September 5, 1997, and is buried there had been a citizen
of India since 1948.


Cheers - Mario F. D' Costa & Fly

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