Ugly fanatics!

We all are proud goemkars.Konkani
 comes in our blood through our mother's milk.We are been fed with 
English since our birth and I can pridely say  that our children had 
got very good command over the same.Goemkars are been known internationally as 
decent citizens of India
 and our behavior has been appreciated by the world.The statement by 
Bhatikar,who I believe is running a English medium school in Goa,saying 
that those demanding English as a  Medium of Education are doing so to 
become ayas.butlers,cooks,drivers
 is really not harmful or hurting but it
 confirms, what class  Bhatikar belongs to.We are sincere to our 
profession and never turned out to be chamchas like Bhatikar of the 
people in power to succeeded in life.

For the information of 
Batikar,we are not demanding for English as a medium of Instruction but 
we are fighting for our right.There were nothing called as Konkani 
medium Schools in Goa
 when I cleared my SSC in the year 1989.Konkani was not even a mandatory
 subject and in reality it was/is not necessary according to me.Goa had 
the best Education system in our Country,English was the medium of 
Education,choice between konkani,Marathi,French etc and Hindi was 
mandatory as it is our National language but fanatics like Shashikala Kakodkar
 ruined the system  in the name of grants at the time of PDF government 
headed by Dr Luis Proto Barbosa of which the so called fake leader of 
masses,Churchill was also a minister.

By acting like a fanatic,Bhatikar 
will only lose his respect.We
 know what is best for our children.You can get your English medium 
school converted to Konkani medium and take care of the grand and great 
grandchildren of Shashikala not forgetting yours.One of the catholic Priests 
who is  supporting you all fanatics will recommend some.

Joel Morais
Pin - 403703

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