Unavailable around-the-clock

Times Panchanama: Sao Matias-Divar -- Tiswadi

Isidore Domnick Mendes 

The villagers of Sao Matias on Divar island are in urgent need of a "24-hour 
resident doctor" at the primary health centre in the village. It has been an 
urgent need ignored by the powers-that-be over the years. 

Sao Matias has 3,500 residents and comprises six vaddos (wards) including 
Muddi, Igreja vaddo , Goddar , Vanzuem, Amboi and Belsur.

While primary health centres all over Goa have a 24-hour resident doctor 
facility, Sao Matias along with neighbouring Goltim-Navelim village on Divar 
island does not seem to top the agenda of the state government for ensuring a 
round-the-clock availability of a doctor. 

The current incumbent is available only three times a week i.e. Monday, 
Wednesday and Friday, and that too, for around four hours; between 9.30am and 

"Lack of adequate health services, especially the unavailability of a doctor 
24x7x365 is the biggest challenge facing our village. During nights, it is a 
nightmarish experience to rush a sick person, especially the ailing ones, all 
the way to the Goa medical college ( GMC) and hospital at Bambolim, or to a 
private hospital in Panaji. It is fatal fact that neither of the two village 
panchayats on Divar island have the services of a round-the-clock resident 
doctor," says Bernadette Azavedo, ex-sarpanch and a resident of Amboi. 

Concurs Brigida Menezes of Church vaddo, "One of the important indicators for 
development is a vibrant health service, but, Sao Matias and its surrounding 
villages are deprived of even a permanent doctor at the health centre." 

For years, the villagers have been raising their demand for a resident doctor. 
"Absence of a resident doctor not only puts unnecessary pressure on the town or 
city hospitals. It also aggravates the health concerns of both, children and 
the elderly. The authorities should pay heed and ensure that resident doctors 
are available in the villages situated on Divar island," states singer Saby 
Dias, known on the Konkani tiatr stage as 'Saby De Divar'. Dias is a resident 
of Naroa, which along with Malar and Capao/Vanxim, are also areas under the 
jurisdiction of the Sao Matias panchayat. 

"As there is no permanent stationing of doctors in the village, even for minor 
problems, be it a mild fever or cold, the villagers have to visit the GMC or 
other health clinics in Panaji. On the health front , the economically-weaker 
sections, in particular, end up as the biggest sufferers in the villages of 
Divar island. The village youth should be more vigilant and be in the forefront 
to get infrastructure in the island villages improved in terms of a 
completely-equipped primary health centre with facilities of admission in its 
wards for sick patients," says Christopher Menezes, another tiatrist known as 
'Comedian 64', who acted in the recent Kala Academy award winning tiatr 'Modli 

"The 24-hour doctor facility will act as a great contributor to safe health. 
People in their post-retirement phase of their life are reluctant to stay in 
this village, because, the government doctor is not available around-the-clock. 
Good sense should prevail on the government to allot a government doctor who 
will be available around-the-clock at the primary health centre in Sao Matias. 
At the same time, all residents are proud of living on the island because of 
the serenity and tranquility enveloping the region," said Justin Coutinho of 

Though in the past two months, a 108 ambulance has been stationed at the 
panchayat , the villagers, on condition of anonymity, state that since the 
villages of Divar island have a meager health facility, the ambulance should be 
exclusively centered for the villages of Divar island and not for the mainland 
like Old Goa or Dongorim as is currently happening. 

Sarpanch of Sao Matias panchayat Vaibhavi Sawant states that the panchayat will 
try its level-best to get a 24-hour facility of a resident doctor for the 
villagers. "We will take up this demand again in the next gram sabha and then 
make a fresh appeal to both the chief minister and the health minister. It is 
generally believed that lack of housing facility has been acting as a deterrent 
for doctors to take charge as full-time resident medical practitioners," she 

When contacted, Cumbharjua MLA Pandurang Madkaikar said, 

"There has been a fulltime doctor at the health centre. He met with an accident 
recently and is on leave. In fact, he was available to the people almost 
round-the-clock as he stays nearby. It's because he is on leave that another 
doctor who comes from another health centre is available thrice a week. Once he 
resumes, it will be normal." 

Problem Problem 

Bad roads 

The residents lament the condition of the roads in the village. "Almost the 
entire stretch of Sao Matias panchayat's road lies in a dire strait. It is a 
shame that a beautiful village has a pot-holed road," said Macxi Picardo of 
Igreja vaddo. 

Poor Bus Service 

Residents say they are severely inconvenienced by poor bus connectivity in the 
village. "The only bus service, that too operated by Kadamba Transport 
Corporation (KTC) on the route from Old Goa to Naroa and back is limited, and 
runs at a span of 45 minutes to 1 hour. It will be of immense benefit to 
villagers if the frequency of the bus service is increased," says Justin 
Coutinho of Amboi. 

Ferry failure 

The residents complain of having to travel via an old ferry as well as 
embarking and disembarking at ferry points that lack illumination. "There is a 
dire need to replace the old ferry which caters to the needs of Divar island. 
Similarly, the hardly-lit ferry points on the Old Goa-Piedade route is crying 
out for illumination," said Aveena Pereira of Igreja vaddo. 

Top View 

We will take up this demand again in the next gram sabha and then make a fresh 
appeal to both the chief minister and the health minister 

Vaibhavi Sawant, sarpanch 

There was a full time doctor available, but, he had an accident recently. So 
someone is substituting for him. Once he resumes duty, things will be back to 

Pandurang Madkaikar, MLA 

People's take 

During nights, it is a nightmarish experience to rush a sick person, especially 
the ailing ones, all the way to the GMC at Bambolim or to a private hospital in 

Bernadette Azavedo, resident 

As there is no permanent stationing of doctors in the village, even for minor 
problems, be it a mild fever or cold, villagers have to visit the GMC or other 
health clinics in Panaji 

Christopher Menezes a.ka.'Comedian 64', resident 

Absence of a resident doctor aggravates the health concerns of both children 
and the elderly 

Saby Dias alias 'Saby de Divar', resident 

A little history 

The island village does have a rich legacy of famous children especially the 
distinguished Menezes families. Villagers hail the contribution by late Armando 
Menezes, civil servant , poet , writer and academician. His sons; George, is an 
ex-Indian Air Force officer , a HR consultant and writer, while the late Dr 
Francis was founding president of the Indian Association for the Study of 
Dreams as well as the Indian Society for Applied Behavioural Science. Another 
distinguished son of Sao Matias, Divar, is Cosme Matias Menezes, founder of the 
CMM group. 

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