           * * *  2007  ANNUAL  GOANETTERS MEET - GOA  * * *
WHERE: Foodland Cafe - Miramar Residency - Miramar, Goa

WHEN: December 27, 2007 @ 4:30pm

More info:

The week long " Goa's Movement against SEZ " beginning
Valpoi and ending in the Salcete finally culminated in
todays gathering at the Azad Maidan Panaji.

The warm up for the meet began with a musical
rendition of a duet by Mr Sucorro, Sigmund and
Siddhant Ulhas Buyao all centered around anti SEZ
theme and an appeal to save our tiny Goa from

As the various groups of youth women and men began
assembling at the venue from Naquerim Betul Quepem
Taleigao Soccorro Cabo de Ram Querim Verna Valpoi etc
they carried along with them placards -- "DOWN with
SEZ" "Jaag Goemkara " Save Goa" "STOP RAPE AND
many sporting the orange green caps apparently
representing the BJP.

Several NGO's etc were also in attendance under the
banner of the GMAS -- Ajay Pereira representing
Peoples Committee against SEZ, Succoro D Souza United
Goan Welfare Front Floriano Lobo Goa Su-raj Party
Agnelo Rodrigues Goa Raponkaracho Ekvot Nirmala Sawant
Mhadei (Mandovi) Bachao Andolan, Jeevan Mayekar
CoConvenor Utt Goenkara Sorter D Souza Peaceful
Society Fr Lino Florindo Pilar Society Fr Bismark
Dias.Mr Aires Rodrigues ex CM Ms Sashikala Kakodakar,
Dr J C Almeida IAS, Mr Satish Sonak Dr Uday Barad Mr
Prajal Sakhardande Dr N S Dhumo etc.

While the BJP was represented by its MLA and Leader of
Opposition Mr Manohar Parrikar Mr Laximikant Parsekar
MLA Mandrem Mr Francis D Souza MLA Mapusa Mr Shripad
Naik MP and State President BJP and Mr Mathany
Saldanha Convenor of the GMAS.

Most speakers lay the blame for SEZ's on the ex CM of
Goa and present Speaker Mr Pratapsing Raoji Rane, and
Mr Dayanand Narvekar Minister for IT Mr Chandrakant
Kavlekar MLA Quepem Mr Aleixo Sequiera Minister for
Power and even ex MLA Navelim and ex CM Luisinho
Faleiro.  Interestingly Mr Antanasio (Babush )
Monseratte who was seated in the front row with the
audience was in for praise for his single-handed
opposition to the IT Habitat scam at Taleigao.  

The fear that the population of Goa which was around
5.6 lacs in 1961 has now touched almost 15 lacs and
that should be the cut off mark lest we destroy the
demographic composition of the State was given special

The fears of Bangalore the Garden city  now an IT hub
filled with garbage litter traffic congestion and high
population density was a sign of the things to come if
the 18 SEZ's are set up in Goa.

Assured 24X7 untinterrrupted power water supply to
SEZ's would deprive the indigenous Goans of their
daily needs on this front.

The huge work force needed as per projections
submitted by those who have applied thus far indicate
a sizable influx which could neutralise the indigenous
Goans and wipe of our social and cultural ethos.

Our bunds fields ponds  rivers  hills and sea were
consistent with our cultural well being where man
lived in harmony with nature -- this will now be wiped
off as hills are being razed water bodies filled up
paddy fields converted for non agricultural use.

Our land is our Identity where a Goan finds no land
the Goa Industrial Development Corporation has made
land government and gaunkari (communidade land )
available to those intending to set up SEZ's .  There
is no land available for our children and for the
greed of money prime land is being sold to non goans 

The land for the proposed Oceanarium was one instance
where the Government took back land which was not
intended to be used for the purpose it was acquired.

Shockingly within a weeks time of application the
previous Governement gave away 14 lacs m2 of land.

China has just seven SEZ's as against 18 proposed for

Interestingly the ultimatum was also served not only
to the coalition Government to cancel all the SEZ's by
tommorrow failing which the agitation could turn
violent .  Tourists visiting the State were forewarned
 of an  unpleasant stay during the festive season, if
the Government fails to hear the voice of the " aam
admi "

They castigated the CM Mr Digamber Kamat for failing
to be firm in doing away with SEZ'z ,even  after being
six months in office. Further his stance  of 
"studying" the issue and constituting task force and
other committees to study indicates a sense of
nongovernance and working under undue influence from
outsiders and forces within.

Tommorow being the 46th Goa Liberation Day it is time
the Goans think of their future and ensure that Goa
remains a safe haven for Goans before the turn of the
50th year of Liberation.

The following resolution was passed unanimously
1. resolved to demand immediate scrapping of SEZ
policy in the State of Goa immediate cancellation and
withdrawal of all SEZ applicationse sent to the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry GoI as also
immediate de notification of notified SEZ'
2. Resolved to demand judicial inquiry in allocation
of land and setting up of SEZ's IT Habitat Park
Retreats and Food Parks
3. Resolved to demand total updating of employment
exchange live register within a period of one month.
And the Government to bring out a white paper on the
unemployed in Goa with details of qualification age
place of birth and skills. On similar lines Government
should immediately publish a white paper bringing out
details of all those who are employed in this state of
Goa with respect to all industrial establishments
including tourism fisheries and agriculture. The same
papers should be widely publicised through websites
4.Resolved to demand that the Government should not
acquire any land from private individuals or
communidades except for the purpose of infrastructural
projects all for the benefit of the State of Goa So
also the Government should not acquire any land so as
to give the same to private parties for private use
either by sale by lease  contract or otherwise.

The message to the Government was clear violent days
are ahead and a message to non Goans to wind up shop
and "Jinku kiva maru may turn into MARO" warned one
speaker in a truly aggressive mode.

a) there was a mixed group of participants hindus,
catholics irrespective of political party affiliations
b) it was clearly a BJP headed meet
c) the issue being to Save Goa many felt that presence
of politico in the opposition did not matter, while a
significant number of those present also expressed
concern that politics make strange bedfellows. Those
spitting venom against BJP politicians some time ago
were now seen rubbing shoulder with them today.
d) pamphlets were distributed today explaining
opposition to SEZ 
e) police sensing trouble were seen providing a heavy

from the Azad Maidan Panaji

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