Once again the bright eyed Goan boys and girls of yester years, now the easily excitable Mamas and the Papas who have made Toronto their home are getting all set to enjoy yet another 'Viva Carnaval" cum Valentine's bash a la Goa at Shingar Banquet Hall, Brampton, Ontario. There are lots of people of Goan origin living in Toronto who have come from various countries like East Africa, Persian Gulf and Pakistan etc. and have been living here for decades. But for the last few years, a new crop of Goans have started immigrating and settling in Canada directly from Goa bringing along with them the rich and undiluted aroma of the Goan cultural tradition fresh from the soil of the sacred land of 'Amchem Mankullem Goem'.

The funkiest fest of India, Goa Carnival is a three-day long festival. At the beginning of this three day festivity, the reign of King Momo over Goa begins with the passing of his royal decree ordering all Goans to EAT, DRINK AND MAKE MERRY to their hearts content for the three days of Carnival just before the Lent season of the Christian calendar. According to Christianity, Lent is the 40-day period of fasting and penance before the Easter Sunday meant to purify one's soul. An adaptation of the Roman carnival, this tamer version in Goa usually starts off on Fat Saturday known as 'Sabado Gordo' and concludes on Fat Tuesday known as 'Shrove Tuesday', just before Ash Wednesday that starts with the first day of the season of Lent. Yet the Carnival in Goa is a madness of sorts. A few years back, it was better known as a Christian festival and everywhere one could see Carnival floats, balls and street dances taking place all over the streets of Goa.

Then Goa Carnival was not just a celebration. It was a mood and was strictly for participants as people sang and danced all nights long. The couple that fell in love during the carnival married after Easter. Today, visitors unacquainted with the Goan way of life are often stunned to see the locals singing and dancing practically non-stop for four nights and three days and drinking by the barrel without getting drunk. Revelers greet each other with a full-throated 'Viva Carnaval'.

Once again lots of Goans specially from Bardez area of Goa, specially the ex-students of St. Xavier's College - Mapusa, Dempo College - Panjim, Dempe College - Miramar specially the Moira, Nachinola, Aldona, Mapusa and Panjim people cannot hold their excitement and are organizing their 4th Carnaval cum Valentine's day celebration. These are the youngsters of yester years who used to be enjoying every event in Goa together, be it a Dance, Carnaval Parade, Jan Session, Hockey, Football or Cricket Game. Most of them used to be members of the RIO group organized by Francisco Martins, the king of entertainment in Goa. These boys and girls not only knew how to enjoy the social gatherings, festivals and sports together, but over the years they had become such good buddies that they always used to enjoy the local festivities in each others company while in Goa. As it is said, in Goa you do not need an occasion to celebrate. Even if a flower blooms somewhere, it is a good excuse for a Goan to sing, dance and make merry. Now the same Goans have gotten together far away from home in distant Canada and are beginning to re-create the Goan environment right here for themselves to enjoy, just the way they used to do in Goa, in the true Goan spirit with all the Sannas , Sorpotel, Sunktamchi Koddi, Rechado, Xacuti and Goa Pork Sausages. The same boys and girls who, a couple of years ago used to be dancing in the streets of Panjim and Mapusa for the Carnaval parades are yet again planning on their fancy dresses this weekend for the Red, Black and Gold dance. Others are putting their acts together to entertain the crowd. This year some well acclaimed Goan greats are also getting excited, like Saozinha Fragoso, the dancing, singing and acting beauty of Panjim who is getting set to enthrall the crowd in nostalgic Portuguese and Konkani hits. So also Savio Menezes one of the best lead guitarists Goa has ever produced, and who is now a Sr. Manager in one Canada's leading Mutual Fund companies is tuning his guitar for the occasion. There is also Joe Gomes the leader of "Syndicate" the famous band in Goa, Dr. Lucina Cordeiro, Dr. Evelyno Braganza, Greg and Sandra D'Souza, and many others including Nash Lobo the ex-Crown Prince and Sarpanch of Moira who has probably kept his traditional "KASTI" (loin cloth) well ironed to be worn for the occasion. There will also be performances by The Malaikas, Ten year old "Liam DeSouza" & The DEES, and "Orville Maciel" of Deepa Mehta movie fame will pay tribute to Michael Jackson.

The Carnival parade titled "SONY SMILE & CAPTURE THE MOMENT" will commence with the grand entrance of legendary KING MOMO & his consort QUEEN MOMO followed by the entourage of the parade participants just like in the streets of Panjim, and all will dance to the traditional Portuguese tunes, Marche De Fontainhas and Foi Cantar amongst others. Great prizes are to be won sponsored by SONY STYLES. Incredible India, Century Travel Services, Bayshore Cottages etc. Participants can take part as Individuals or in a group. A unique count down to Valentines Day will see a lucky couple win a FREE One week stay at The Bay Shore Cottages, Ontario. Various sponsor's have provided excellent prizes, the JACKPOT of which will be *AIR TICKETS to MUMBAI and back (90% Discounted) and *FREE AIR TICKETS - (MUMBAI-GOA-MUMBAI).

So let us wish our Goan Canadians a hearty 'VIVA CARNAVAL'


Goa Su-Raj wishes every Canadian Goan a very happy and enjoyable CARNAVAL- 2010, in the same manner that we Goa-Goans are going to enjoy the Goa CARNAVAL on the streets of PANJIM this evening the 13th day of February, 2010. Foa Goa Goans this memorable Saturday will be a rainbow of colours rather than a black Saturday.

Cheers to Goa AND Goans


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Goa does not only need HONEST  voters to elect honest persons.
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A 'PRECIOUS GIFT' to GOA by committed GOANS.
A  'GIFT HORSE'  that must not be looked in the mouth.

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