hope against virus is vaccine

Lockdown, containment, masks.social  distancing  etc has not prevented the 
spread  as desired .It may not be lethal but has led to loss of lives in many 
countries, good recovery but is highly contagious .WHO  has  now issued warning 
on possibility of spread thro aerosols for the first time. Repurposed drugs , 
immunity boosting concoctions have had no perceptible outcomes  even though 
their are some reliefs.
Many countries are in the race for finding a vaccine  ,oxford  and  ICMR  have 
advanced on human trials .Oxford has shown antibodies and T cells generation  
.Repeat dose may provide better cover .The cost may be Rs 1000/ per dose and 
will be subsidised by Govt and philanthropy .The test are in the age group up 
to 55 years and no immunity is seen in the age group of 70 plus .WHO opines 
that it may take upto almost a year before it is certified as a cure .At least 
the efficacy is predicted to be 65. percent  .The productions, distributions 
will need to be ramped up to meet global  demand  and is being fast tracked in 
anticipation. The  fact that many are in the race  with different approaches 
will make it easy to supply.  The priority will be to use it on health workers, 
police and high risk , most vulnerable groups including elders .The purpose is 
to  to prevent spikes entering the cells and kill the cells that are infected 
.In case of mutations it will be a problem to be addressed,  separately.  But 
mutations can also  render virus ineffective to enter the cells  and thus  
curtail spread of infections
There is hope generated and rightly so with advancement in scienceand 
technology   , otherwise  vaccine productions  takes many  years  of hard work 
.Only global partnerships in large scale productions will effectively meet  
demandsand reduce   costs so that the marginalised are not at a disadvantage 
.There is hope at the horizon of early break through.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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