Come Gera Builders

It appears as the famous builders GERA make their presence felt in our
prosperous Goa, where it is a dream of any well-known builders to set its
foot prints in the picturesque Goa skyline

Sources are agog that the plot at EDC Pato, was leased to PASWAN Builders
at Rs5000= m2 and the current galloping prices, reign at Rs50,000=m2 at
rough estimates .The Govt, is obliged to take back possession of the leased
plot, if it is not developed within set time frame,   for a Mall, which was
 the original purpose of allotment. How can a leased plot be sold to Gera
builders against the provisions laid down for its reversion with lapse of
time and why is the Govt, maintaining stoic silence, is it  looking the
other way?. Is there any tacit understanding in what appears to be a shady
deal benefiting someone? Has not the Govt. lost its valuable share in this
high value illegal transaction?

 In its publicity blitz GERA Builders has not been transparent on the new
use of the original leased plot or change in the plan

It appears strange different logic, where in the IT Park plots are re
possessed for not fulfilling the sanctioned use at DONA PAULA, Similarly IDC
sanctioned; leased plots revert for not being used in allotted time frame.

Does it not appear that different yard stick is being applied exclusively
to GERA Builders and may we ask why this special treatment of bypassing
laid down provisions? Clarification on this shady deal needs open answers
in the best interests of all concerned.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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