The Times of India
Waiting for a bridgeTNN | Jan 9, 2015, 02.00 AM ISTREAD MORE Times 
Panchanama|Isidore DomnickMendes|Chorao|Chodan-Madel|BridgeIsidore Domnick 
MendesChorao, spread in an area of 21 sqkm, is the biggest out ofthe total of 
17 islands beautifying the landscape of Goa and this island inTiswadi taluka 
can be accessed by ferries from two jetties, Ribandar andPomburpa as well as 
two bridges; the 32-year-old Tikhazan bridge at Bicholimand 1-year-old Calvim 
bridge at Aldona. This beautiful village sits on thebanks of the River Mandovi 
and houses a population of around 6,500 persons outof which approximately 4,500 
are registered voters. But, for years now, thevillagers have been facing the 
problem of commuting; be it to Panaji, Bambolimor Porvorim and surrounding 
areas as it lacks a direct access to both; theTiswadi mainland and Bardez.In 
order to get into the ferry every morning and evening,there is a serpentine 
queue at the Chorao-Ribandar jetty and Ribandar-Choraojetty. The four ferries 
operating at this stretch are overused as they cater tocommuters coming not 
only from Chorao, but, as far as Bicholim and Sattaritalukas. The daily travel 
by the Ribandar-Chorao ferry over the River Mandoviis extremely 
time-consuming.For example, if a villager has to go by public transport orby 
his or her own vehicle, he has to spend a minimum of 15-20 minutes duringpeak 
hours and 10-15 minutes during non-peak hours to get into the ferry andthen 
cross the river in it. Villagers further admit that travelling back andforth to 
Panaji and its surrounding areas by bus is more time consuming andstressing. 
"For everyone, be it office goers or students, it becomes anuphill task to 
reach their respective places be it in the morning and evening.As the 
Ribandar-Chorao jetty is catering to so many villages, it is no morefeasible to 
provide an optimum and efficient service. Direct access via abridge is the need 
of the hour," says Premanand Mhambre, an ex-sarpanchand retired headmaster of 
Dayanand High School. He is a resident ofPasso-de-Ambarim which apart from 
Chorao and Caraim are the three villages ofChodan-Madel panchayat.Chorao, which 
is surrounded by three talukas, Bicholim,Tiswadi and Bardez has nine vaddos 
(wards) including Saud, Deugim, Chamberm,Madel, Kharahat, Keren, Pandav vaddo, 
Sodetim and Kherad vaddo. Most villagersare sad that their long-pending demand 
for a bridge still remains a mirage. "Everyoneis affected, including our 
children going to educational institutes, or peoplegoing to office, or our sick 
patients going to hospitals situated in Panaji,Porvorim or the Goa medical 
college and hospital, Bambolim. It takes a largeamount of time to cross the 
river in the ferry. It creates a lot of mentaltrauma for the inhabitants of our 
village as travelling by ferry entails a lotof time. We hope the planned Chorao 
bridge comes up in our lifetime," saysDilip Fondekar, a resident of Kherad 
vaddo and an educationist connected withthe Dayanand High School and Salkar 
High School.Concurs Pandarik Vernekar, a local from Madel, "In the21st century 
world, it is really a cruel joke that Chorao does not haveinfrastructure of a 
bridge which will connect it to the capital city andimportant towns of Porvorim 
and Bambolim. Due to the non-existence of a newChorao bridge, we have a 
monotonous existence as all our work goes on at asnail's pace."The proposed 
Chorao bridge from Salvador do Mundo to theMadel river bank in Chorao is slated 
to be constructed by Goa industrialdevelopment corporation (GIDC) at an 
estimated cost of Rs 136 crore to thestate exchequer. The projected bridge will 
involve acquisition of landmeasuring 30,860sqm and 52,400sqm on both sides of 
Chorao and Salvador do Mundoin Bardez taluka respectively.Almost all the 
villagers state that The Right to FairCompensation and Transparency in Land 
Acquisition Rehabilitation andResettlement (Social Impact Assessment and 
Consent) Rules, 2014, commonly knownas Land Acquisition Act 2014 has acted as a 
deterrent in the acquisition ofland. The said law came into effect on January 
1, 2014."Being an island village, the demand for the bridge ismore imperative 
for the natives of Chorao than the people of the mainland likeSalvador do 
Mundo. There is not an iota of doubt that Land Acquisition Act 2014has 
completely brought to a grinding halt the acquisition of land which isalmost 
non-cultivable and barren," adds Mhambre.
The Chodan Madel panchayat headed by sarpanch Divya Usapkaris in complete 
concurrence with the villagers that the impending bridge shouldbe constructed 
by removing the bottleneck caused by the Land Acquisition Act2014."It is high 
time the proposed bridge becomes a realityfor our village. For a very long 
time, all the residents, be it young or old,have faced challenges to either 
reach to their respective schools or designatedoffice or even marketplace 
situated in Panaji or surrounding areas likeBambolim, Dona Paula etc. No more 
time should be wasted in amending the LandAcquisition Act 2014 which has acted 
as an impediment in the construction ofthe new bridge," says sarpanch 
Usapkar.Concurs Anant Shet, deputy speaker and Mayem MLA, "Alot of 
deliberations have taken place both inside and outside the assembly andthereby 
the unanimity that the Chorao bridge must come into being. We arehopeful that 
the central government will bring an amendment, either in the nextsession of 
Parliament or even before that, in the form of an ordinance toneutralize the 
aberration caused by the Land Acquisition Act 2014. As a MLA, Iwill ensure that 
the very long-awaited wish for a bridge finallyfructifies."
 A little trivia

Chorao is also home to 440 acres of estuarine mangrovehabitation renowned as 
the 'Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary' and it was also the abodeof late Kashinath 
Mahale, an outstanding academician connected to differenttemples of learning 
including Karnataka University in Dharwad, Jawaharlal NehruUniversity (JNU) in 
New Delhi and the Manipur University in Imphal. A hardcorelover of Konkani, 
Mahale was dean of the school of foreign languages at JNU.Problem Problem

Public Transport

Buses, whether those operated by private individuals or runby Kadamba Transport 
Corporation (KTC) hardly provide fulltime service to thevillagers on the 
internal roads. "KTC runs for restricted hours andprivate buses run according 
to the whim and fancies of their operators. It isreally sad that buses hardly 
run at regular intervals on the interior roads ofChodan Madel,"says Pandarik 
Vernekar from Madel vaddo.Water supply

Unlike Naroa, Mayem etc, Chodan-Madel lies at the end of theAssonora pipeline. 
"As a result, the village gets tap water only onalternate days and the 
situation gets further aggravated during summersespecially during May and June. 
A direct pipeline is the need of thehour," says Dilip Fondekar, a resident of 
Kherad vaddo.AgricultureIn the past, the village's khazan land was an abode 
forpaddy cultivation, and at one point in time, these estuaries made this 
villagean important granary in Goa. "It is said that 20 years ago, 30 trucks 
ofpaddy was sold in comparison to a paltry three truckloads of paddy that 
barelymake it to the market in the present times. This island was famed for 
itsproduction of chillies, onions and mangoes. Apart from giving up 
cultivationfor non-agriculture occupations by agriculturists, the discharge of 
salinewater on agriculture land by a few unscrupulous elements involved 
inpisciculture is more responsible for completely crippling agriculture,"says 
Premanand Mhambre of Passo-de-Ambarim (Ambadi), who is also president ofChodan 
Madel Farmers Club.Top View

It is high time the proposed bridge becomes a reality forour village-Divya 
Usapkar, sarpanchWe hope that the Centre brings an amendment either in thenext 
session of Parliament or even before that in the form of an ordinance 
toneutralize the aberration caused by the Land Acquisition Act 2014-Anant 
Shet,MLA and deputy speakerPeople's take

In the 21st century world, it is really a cruel joke thatChorao does not have 
infrastructure of a bridge which will connect it to thecapital city and 
important towns of Porvorim and Bambolim-Pandarik Vernekar,local residentFor 
everyone, be it office goers or students, it becomes anuphill task to reach 
their respective places, be it in the morning or evening -PremanandMhambre, 
local residentIt creates a lot of mental trauma for the inhabitants of 
ourvillage as travelling by ferry entails a lot of time -Dilip Fondekar, 

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