Watching my own Passing Away 
By: Menezes George 

A strange thing is happening to me these days. Standing outside myself, I seem 
to be watching the last days of my life passing by like a large landscape 
banging at the windows of a slow  train to nowhere. And I have no explanation 
for it.
>From months of not being able to sleep by 11 p.m, as I’ve been used to for 
>almost a lifetime, I suddenly find that I can sleep at any time at all. And, 
>in fact, I feel sleepy right through the day.
Not that I’m unhappy about it, but it is kind of discomforting for a type-A 
person who has to be doing something all of the time.
Wanting to sleep during the day is not the only problem.
I would have welcomed it.  Three months to my eightieth birthday, most people 
have forgotten that I exist. And, to add to that,  getting my writings 
published today is more demeaning than personally selling pirated copies off my 
old books at a traffic signal.
Therefore, just sleeping in the armchair with my legs up with the latest 
newspaper carrying Barrack Obama’s picture on it covering my face, is not a bad 
existence after all.
But then I suddenly realize that like a warning on a carton of medication 
“there may be side effects.”
For example, hallucination.
That’s bad. You mean to say I’m not really watching my quiet, slow and 
unheralded going away? That’s unfair.  I’ve been preparing for it for a long 
Twenty years ago a friend of mine in Chembur had made excellent preparations 
for his own demise.  He had tailored a nice dark suit, decided on the type of 
coffin and the undertaker, the flower arrangements, the choir and put 
everything down neatly on a sheet of paper which he kept in his cupboard 
accessible to the family.
Charitably, he had sent a large donation to the Seminary on condition that at 
least 100 seminarians would attend the funeral.  And he had had a grave freshly 
dug in our cemetery which he visited every day to ensure it had not been 
encroached upon and illegally occupied.
Always a perfectionist, my friend visits the cemetery and climbs down into the 
grave he has reserved for himself to check the appropriateness of its size.
The story goes that one evening a lonely widow was visiting the cemetery to lay 
some flowers on her late husband’s grave. Suddenly, she saw a man emerging from 
an open grave. With a shriek, that still echoes throughout that surburb, she 
turned and she ran. She is still running, I am told, since nobody has been able 
to trace her ever since.
On the other hand my friend is still in good health and, poor guy, had to 
revise the list in his cupboard several times due to the untimely deaths of 
people whom he had assigned some funeral chores.
I am not making such elaborate preparations.  I just want to watch myself going 
quietly, as I’m doing at the moment.
However, I must confess that in a moment of misplaced vanity and curiosity, I 
allowed a vague announcement of my death to be inserted in the Times of India.  
Just name, time and place of burial.
 At the appropriate time, wearing a large hat that hid my face, I stood at the 
far end of the cemetery to check on the attendance. I wept. I was the only one 
weeping out of a crowd of exactly three people. One a money lender, the other a 
woman I had jilted and had come to make sure I was really dead and gone, and 
the third a policeman who was wondering at the absence of a priest, undertaker 
and a dead body.
Hallucination be damned. The reality is that I am “going”. Take body weight for 
I am losing weight. Slowly but surely. People envy me. Specially people 
struggling desperately to lose weight. They don’t know my problems. I am forced 
to take my trousers and shorts to a Bandra “alteration genius” called Bob.
When the frequency of the alterations and the costs started to bother me I 
bought a pair of stylish suspenders. When the suspenders started to slip off my 
frail shoulders I finally resorted to the common Goan “badkar” solution. I used 
an old tie. Easy to knot and un-knot.
The other signs of my being ready to go away are equally powerful.
 I wait till the old girl picks up the phone. I am reluctant to respond to the 
ringing of the doorbell. I haven’t sent any Christmas cards this year and did 
not go to Goa for the great big, fat family get-together at Christmas and the 
New Year.
I have always had a problem listening. Now I have a problem hearing. I have 
accepted invitations to parties on the rare occasions that I pick up the phone 
and, much to the old girl’s embarrassment, have landed on the wrong day or the 
wrong place.
I used to really enjoy socializing. Right now I leave a party early after 
quickly downing a couple of glasses of wine and a disgusting display of  
As the great singer Harry Belafonte said in one of his immortal songs, “it is 
clear as
mud” that time is running out for me.
And the final sign.
When I no longer cry bitterly watching scenes of genocide whether in Gujarat or 
in Palestine or Orissa; when I do not have fits of anger seeing mandate-less 
self appointed regional leaders take over and ransack my city and even 
experience indifference when not one goon is convicted; when I feel that 
walking in morchas and lighting candle for the victims of terrorism is an 
exercise in futility and when my blood pressure remains stable at the corporate 
anointment of a modern day Nazi as our future Prime Minister  I think its time 
for me to go.
See you at the graveside. Oops, sorry, YOU see me at the graveside if you are 
not too busy watching “Slumdog Millionaire” 
And even if you are, thank you and all the hundreds of friends and loved ones, 
thank you for the time you gave me all these years. More priceless than your 
presence now.

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