Why BJP appears invincible

There is a supreme leader and projected so  before whom everyone prostrates
.None to challenge his authority or decision taken in his name  and Home
Minister enjoys his full confidence .If someone is allowed to utter it   is
along dotted lines. Disgruntled members may have a say but Party has its
way .Dissidents can leave but dictat has to be obeyed unconditionally.
None is indispensable. Replacements are by poaching, defections  or by
threats of haunting by agencies at their command
There is discipline and order.Besides the BJP has well oiled propaganda
cell that also indirectly controlls print and electronic media.
Uncomfortable anchors and channels are made to fall in line.PM image is
built by his silence , visits abroad, dress  , wooing immigrants by
promising moon and characteristic bear hugs displacing our elegant NAmaste.
.His presence , record and participation in houses of Parliament is very
dismal. He vexes eloquent abroad but for  one sided Manki Bhaat   and only
PM who does not   believe in press conferences.His silence on issues of
National importance is deafening as PM.He is a political machine to garner
votes at election rallies  and BJP best mascot.The sound bites are laced
with dynasty , berating Congress, leaders and dwelling in the past  for
justification of present ills.Some of the issues like revocation of art 365
in JK , Bank Nationalusation,GST, building of monuments Vistas ,Ram temple
are diversion of grandeur and self glorification to create a lasting
impression .Wonder those who admire  beauty of Taj Mahal  dwell on
greatness of Shajahan or the craftsmen.The progress of India has not been
the result of nine years of BJP rule. NONE can undermine the collective
efforts of many   in the transformation  abd sacrifices of freedom
struggle. BJP has vertically divided the Nation into Hindus and others
citizens   emotionally  manipulated  believing in the vision  of Hindu
Rashtra    .The hatred against minorities  ,branding them as unpatriotic
and anti National , tinkering with their laws,  customs,   indifference to
their demicratic aspirations ,traditions in an attempt at subjugation of
spirit .This has resulted in mindless retaliation and terrorist activities.
SAB KE SAAT SAB KA VIKAS is best demonstrated in action when not a single
member of Muslim is given a ticket  or is part of Legislature or Parliament
in BJP fold.There is growing unrest ad feeling of alienation regarding
citizenship act or UCC, lynching ,love jihad ,  burkas , beef ban , Avans
  believed to be or  are   intended  to  target the Muslims.
The opposition is not learning from strategy of BJP. Infighting for power
or sharing, creating instability even with clear majority.No leader can
control their savage,  personal ambitions even to the point  of destroying
the  popular mandate. Selfishes goals are pursued with vigour and no  holds
barred  for power and position .The one possible solution is to limit the
term as CM or Ministers.Never ever to accommodate defectors .Remember BJP
at one time  represented by a lone  member. BJP is bent upon berating
congress , policies and leaders  and their contributions. India is a
democratic country not A Presidential democracy Who to take on PM is a vain
attempt  as the leader selected or elected by popular votes post elections
Modi at best was confined to pigeon hole in Gujerat. He was  catapult on
National scene by chance by sidelining veterans like Advani Shusma Swaraj
 etc He was not a  leader by unanimity but by default. As the situation
unfolds BJP appears to be bereft of a successor , nor is there an attempt
to groom one or there is a whisper of who next .Amitsha is basking only in
shadow of Modi  .It will be  seen  when PM  attains age of 75. Will he opt
to be guided by principles espoused by him as Marg Darshak  or will he
stick like a limpet to power as undisputable leader and indispensable
I.N.D.I .A to succeed or offer a challenge  must abandon personal ambitions
and work unitedly  to usher stability and reforms . People now want a
change Karnataka has dismantled  power , position , might of BJP dismissed
it disgracefully .Winds of change are blowing across India  but opposition
must assure stability  under all circumstances or provocations
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

Nelson Lopes

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