How do you stand up for Hindus when there is no evidence that they are
being discriminated against? The BJP’s rise to prominence during the 80s
came at a time when the hard secularism of the Congress (Shah Bano, The
Satanic Verses, Babri Masjid, etc.) had provoked a Hindu backlash. These
days, however, there is no backlash. Nobody seriously believes that Muslims
have a terrific deal in India or that Hindus are suffering.

Early attempts by the BJP to link Muslims with terrorism and to awaken Hindu
insecurities have failed. Nobody seriously disputes that some Muslims are
involved in terrorism. But equally, hardly anyone sees this as a reflection
on the whole Muslim community. Nor is there any sense in which the terrorism
is specifically directed at Hindus. Muslims also die in bomb blasts and the
worst terrorism takes place in such Muslim countries as Pakistan, where the
jihadis delight in killing their own people.

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