
From: Astrid Lobo Gajiwala <>

Truly a watershed moment in the his-story of the Church. Wonder if anything 
like this could ever happen in India. Astrid
  A protester joins others in front of the U.S. Conference of
Catholic Bishops building in Washington, D.C., on May 8, 2012, in support of
Catholic sisters. (Ted Majdosz)Christine
Schenk  |  May. 21, 2015Simply Spirit I'm so
thankful for the mid-April resolution of the Congregation for the Doctrine
of the Faith's mandate against the Leadership Conference of Women 
Religious.Alongside December's positive apostolic visitation report,
this is a second win-win for U.S. sisters and for Pope Francis, who
successfully de-escalated the troubling (not to say scandalous) situation he
inherited.It is noteworthy, however, that Pope
Benedict XVI had already made an important change when he replaced Cardinal
Franc Rode -- the former head of the Congregation for Religious who ordered an
apostolic visitation of U.S. religious communities -- with the more progressive
Brazilian Cardinal João Braz de Aviz. Braz de Aviz criticized the doctrinal 
unilateral decision to investigate LCWR without any prior consultation and is 
on record as saying, "Women's leadership
needs to grow a lot in the church."It looks as if the
Vatican (or at least Benedict) realized U.S. prelates had given them gravely
misleading reports about U.S. sisters even before Francis became pope.On the 
positive side, our work and our way
of living contemporary religious life have been affirmed at last, not only by
the thousands of ordinary Catholics who came to our defense, but also by the 
Vatican itself. Consider this excerpt from the
apostolic visitation report:In response to the appeal of Perfectae Caritatis to 
return to the
Gospel, "the ultimate norm of religious life" and to "their
founder's spirit and special aim" (PC, 2 a & b) women religious sought
to adapt their life style and mission in ways that might enable them to more
effectively respond to contemporary needs. In a spirit of creative fidelity to
their charisms, they branched out in new ministries to those most on the margins
of the Church and society. Women religious in the United States also notably
pursued ongoing theological and professional formation seeking to further their
ability to serve the Church's evangelizing mission and to prepare others to
collaborate in it as well.As a 27-year
veteran of religious life, I can tell you that adapting our life and mission
and branching into new ministries to those on the margins was a hard-won
development not only in our own communities, but also with episcopal leaders
and a minority of laity who preferred we stick to more conventional roles. (And
we won't mention that women and women religious could not obtain advanced
degrees in Catholic theology and biblical studies until the 1950s.)It is no 
small thing to have official approbation
after so many years of distrust and criticism for thinking outside the box. And
as we quickly discovered, many of God's people don't find religious boxes
particularly meaningful. Yet we are called to love, serve and learn from them
anyhow. Indeed, the institutional church must do the same if we are to stanch
the contemporary exodus from
organized religion.Vatican politics
and evangelization issues aside, it is unlikely that the outcomes for U.S.
sisters would have been nearly so positive without the unprecedented outpouring
of support, love and concern by thousands of grass-roots Catholics.Today, I 
want to
write about you. Without you, I sincerely doubt that U.S. sisters would have
been able to help the Vatican understand what it means to be a Christ-believer
in our 21st-century society.I extend profound
gratitude to all those Catholics and other justice-minded people who prayed for
us, signed petitions for us, sponsored public vigils and prayer services, and
wrote to church leaders for us. Here are some highlights from what is probably
the largest grass-roots advocacy effort in the history of the U.S. church:April 
18, 2012: The doctrinal congregation issues a mandate to overhaul LCWR, an 
umbrella group
representing over 80 percent of U.S. sisters. Church-renewal advocates
immediately launch a petition that over the next four months garners
64,364 signatures.April 20, 2012: Thirteen national and international
Catholic reform organizations join in coalition and create the Nun Justice 
Project to
organize ongoing advocacy for U.S. sisters. (Full disclosure: I was a member of
the steering committee.)May 8, 2012: The Nun Justice website launches with
prayer, vigil and petition downloads and invites financial redirection for
Peter's Pence contributions to communities of local sisters. (At the time,
investigative journalist Jason Berry reported that Peter's Pence donations 
werefrequently used to cover
Vatican operating costs rather
than for the pope's private charities.)May 29, 2012: On the eve of the spring 
meeting of LCWR
leadership and throughout the summer, hundreds of public prayer vigils are held 
across the U.S. and
internationally. Cleveland's FutureChurch celebration at St. Colman parish
attracts 650 people and is covered by The New York
Times.June 13, 2012: Representatives of the Nun Justice Project
from the Women's Ordination Conference and Call To Action deliver 57,000 
signatures supporting the sisters at the Atlanta
meeting of the U.S. bishops' conference.June 18, 2012: NETWORK, a Catholic
social justice lobby singled out in the LCWR sanction, launches a cross-country 
bus tour -- Nuns on the Bus --
to lift up the justice work of Catholic sisters and protest U.S. Rep. Paul
Ryan's budget cuts to programs for the poor.July 18, 2012: 998 people pledge to 
donate $88,350 to
local religious orders from redirected Peter's Pence funds. By the summer of 
2013, 1,246 people pledged $106,298 to support local religious
communities. Seventy-five percent said they diverted their donation from
Peter's Pence contributions. August 2012: Jennifer Reyes Lay from the St. Louis 
Catholic Action Network for Social Justiceextends a
heartfelt welcome to LCWR members by organizing opening and closing prayer
events.Aug. 2-18, 2012: Public vigils in over 40
"sister-cities" support LCWR leaders meeting in St. Louis and tape video 
footage for YouTube. (Only three minutes and
well worth the watch!)April to August 2013: After Pope Francis reaffirms the 
congregation's action against LCWR, over 500 people download resources and send 
online or
paper communications to church officials. Monthly vigils continue in a number
of cities.May 29, 2013, to Nov. 4, 2014: Three separate Nuns on the Bus tours
advocate for comprehensive immigration reform, Medicaid expansion and strong
voter turnout in the midterm elections to encourage a living wage and a budget
that benefits all.May 15, 2014: Seventeen progressive Catholic
organizations issue an open letter asking Pope Francis to personally
intervene after doctrinal congregation chief Cardinal Gerhard Mueller publicly
criticizes LCWR leadership and St. Joseph Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, one of the
most beloved and respected theologians in the world. Nearly 17,500 signatures
are delivered to the Vatican,
and a number promise to send Spanish-language versions of Johnson's 
booksConsider Jesus and Quest for the Living God to
Pope Francis.Dec. 16, 2014: The Nun Justice Project issues a media statement 
praising the Vatican's apostolic
visitation report as a "first step" in reconciling with U.S. sisters,
asking for a removal of sanctions against LCWR.April 16, 2015: The Congregation 
for the Doctrine of the
Faith and LCWR issue a joint statement,
announcing the lifting of sanctions. LCWR leaders meet with Francis for nearly 
an hour. This is
history-making since it is the first time since U.S. sister leaders were ever
granted an audience despite a number of requests over the years. The Nun
Justice Project issues a media release: Catholic Groups Praise U.S.
sister-Leaders in Resolution of Unjust Vatican Mandate.Over the past three 
years, Catholics
everywhere helped attract extraordinary media attention, ranging from local TV
footage to national Associated Press coverage. Interviews on public radio's
"The Diane Rehm Show,"
Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report"
and CBS's "60 Minutes" all
made a difference.The early Catholic uprising did not go
unnoticed in Rome, judging from Cardinal William Levada's
unusual agreement to be interviewed by then-NCR correspondent John L. Allen Jr. 
just days
before Levada's expected retirement. Levada criticized LCWR's decision to give
its 2012 annual leadership award to Sr. Sandra Schneiders because of her
"view of religious life which has nothing to do with the teachings of the
Second Vatican Council or the post-conciliar church." Schneiders is widely
regarded as the pre-eminent expert on contemporary religious life, the very
life affirmed by the apostolic visitation. (See excerpt above.)Written three
years ago, Levada's complaint testifies to just how much times have 
changed.Aside from grass-roots support, the
international peace movement Pax Christi, the Conference of Major Superiors of
Men, and six individual religious orders of priests and brothers passed
resolutions supporting LCWR. During the apostolic visitation, the Union of
International Superiors' General issued a public statement supporting U.S. 
sisters, and the
United States Congress quickly attracted 174 co-sponsors for a resolution 
honoring Catholic
sisters.Along the way, an outstanding Solidarity with Sisters website 
assiduously tracked all media
stories and provided resources, programming and commentary about the LCWR
debacle.For me, the past
three years have been a roller coaster of highs and lows. Every time I saw a
poster or bumper sticker proclaiming "We are all nuns," it made me
weep. As I saw it, the outcome of this struggle would be a watershed for the
future of our church.Would we become a
place that honored women's voices, due process and dialogue in managing
difference? Or would the institution I both love and hate at times continue to
devalue women's voices, sticking firmly to a "my way or the highway"
mentality?Thanks to
Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, who wins high marks for his ability to listen, and
to LCWR sister leaders, whose dogged commitment to contemplation and dialogue
ultimately triumphed over Vatican politics, sanity prevailed.And creative,
justice-minded Catholics? Well, they made a way where there was no way.Because, 
you see,
"we are all nuns."[A Sister of St.
Joseph, Sr. Christine Schenk served urban families for 18 years as a nurse
midwife before co-founding FutureChurch, where she served for 23 years. She
holds master's degrees in nursing and theology.] 



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