Wonders of appreciation

Appreciation boost self-worth
Spontaneous expressions  seldom   comeforth
Jealousy   deny  praise and joy
Kill joy syndrom envious enjoy

Praise not  person but  noble act
Criticise,ignore nor advesely  react
It  greatly enhances the observers mood
Appreciation  is motivation to continue  doing  good

 Politicians  pretend, act, for praise
  Select issues to  attract attention to  raise
 Expect,  force  publicity ads on birthday
 demand appreciation   as a reward    voters to sway

Mother's love no appreciation does  seek
Ingratitude no grievance  to speak
 Unconditional  efforts for family care
Untiring sacrifices for family welfare

Publicity ,self glory  to do good
Motive for appreciation  clearly  understood
Selfless efforts  seeking  no gain
Appreciation   is a  reward  not in vain

 Appreciation  is  reward   for sure
Mother's  sacrifices selflessness   is pure
Pains and mortification she does endure
Welfare and goodness alone to ensure

 Not every act  of goodness seeks  glory
Rising to the ocassion no doubt  for worry
Appreciation is human desire and need
Not  motives for   selfish egos to feed

Appreciation is impetus  and recognition
Reiterates commitment serves as an inspiration
Appreciation is best glue relations to bind
Strengthens and encourages pushes ingratitude behind

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

Nelson Lopes


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