To Goanet -

It's Day 2 and our 'Wrecking Salcette' caravan rolls 
into the heart of Salcette, in the once-sublime 
village of Colva, the ancestral home of Goddess 
Mahalakshmi, today a denizen of Bandode in
Ponda taluka.

Colva is Orgy Central for our builders.  What
Linking Road is to the whores of Mumbai, Colva
is to our real estate gigolos.

First stop, Sernabatim.  Notice the passel of
ghatis underneath the billboard -

>From the main road coming in from the direction 
of Betalbatim, these sights assault the senses.  
Hideous blocks of concrete erected on the edges 
of green fields, even in what were formerly green 
fields and/or orchards -

Now to Colva proper.

Digu's desire to make Goa a global village seems 
to have found concrete (pardon the pun) expression 
in this absurdity.  Rejoice, Goemkars.  Florida 
finally has come to Goa.

Scan to the bottom of this photograph for the 
name of the Legal Advisor.  An article in the 
Herald earlier this week tells us that the 
Gram Sabhas are exceeding their legal
powers in their opposition to construction 
projects.  There appears to be a lot of similarity
in the spellings of the name of the author of
that article and the Legal Advisor on this

There is absolutely nothing wrong with any 
lawyer serving as a Legal Advisor to a 
business.  But if these two are one and the 
same fellow, we are free to draw certain 
conclusions about what might have motivated 
the author to put forth the case he did.

Fort Lauderdale in Colva, eh?

These raptors have done a number on our orchards.
For whom are these apartments?  Not for Janu gaudo.
Not for Caetano.  These are for the Sabharwals, the
Singhs, and the Browns.

Cheek by jowl Goa's Disneyworld is the mother of 
all projects where you can experience a life wedded 
to nature.  No kidding.  These fellows have a sense 
of morbid humour -

This is how it looks when you step back.  Concrete 
monstrosities leering over the villagers' traditional 
dwellings.  The 3 or 4 surviving families (others 
have been 'settled' with cash and flats) are being 
pressured to leave by both the builders & the
local politicos.  Juicy 'settlement' carrots of 
apartments etc have been dangled -

The only wrinkle is, they don't want to leave 
or abandon their traditional lifestyle.  They 
want to continue with their farming, raising 
their livestock, and doing what their ancestors 
have done for generations.  But that does not 
sit well with Digu's new 'global' order for
Goa.  Mingelina, the woman on the far left, 
said that she has no desire to live in a flat,
that she wants to die in her current home.

A short distance away, shoveling more 
concrete for an "excusive" this and that -

We close this lavish spread today with the final
course -

This woman complains to us about the changes
happening around her home.  But these
are small fry, of no consequence whatsoever
to the big guns.  And with ghatis now available
by the hundreds, who cares for the Niz Goemkar

These were merely the highlights, not a complete
accounting of the concrete-kshetra in this, 
the Goddess's former abode.

Part 1 of Wrecking Salcette archived here -



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