                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>This paper appears to be a collaboration of /
> linking together of religion and science.   We need
> more of these references and such dialogue. The
> author in using gene studies and describes a
> "genetic Adam" and a "genetic Eve".  The web paper
> is as recent as 18 months. 

I found the above bogus interpretation of population
genetics in a post by Gilbert, whose main purpose was
to denigrate Fr. Ivo and me by using offensive and
foul language (please see his quote below). 

Ignoring Gilbert's use of potty language and
unjustified cheap shots, I want to point out that the
weblink he has provided says nothing about a link
between science and religion. It merely uses the names
Adam and Eve in a lay summary of some scientific data
obtained over the last two decades by professional

This religious mischaracterization of science reveals
another dimension of a conflict between religion and
science, which is more evident than ever in Fr. Ivo's
latest post on Goanet.



--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This thread and others related to religion may have
> become an adult version of a "Pissing Contest".  I
> wish the moderators gave some consideration to
> ending this thread. Yet, here is an example of
> bringing together the two fields rather than
> engaging in "I am smarter than you". 
> I am attaching a link below on some self-study of
> mine about migration patterns of world population. I
> found interesting papers including the following.
> This paper appears to be a collaboration of /
> linking together of religion and science.   We need
> more of these references and such dialogue. The
> author in using gene studies and describes a
> "genetic Adam" and a "genetic Eve".  The web paper
> is as recent as 18 months. 
> Good wishes for Easter
> Kind Regards, GL
>  http://www.duerinck.com/migrate.html 
> [Last revised December 9, 2006]

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