| Our Canadian Goenkars are taking on the world on Goanet. Is one them 
(Canadian Goenkar) the author of the following the came into my e-mail box?
The Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA) actually commented on this one.
Something to ponder ... But, worth a broad smile!
Amazing, but true, if you think about it!The importance of accuracy in your tax 
The CRA has returned the Tax Return to a man in Canada after he
apparently answered one of the questions.
In response to the question, .. "Do you have anyone dependent on you?"
The man wrote: .. "2.1 million illegal immigrants, 1.1 million crackheads,  4.4 
million unemployable scroungers,   80,000 criminals in over 85 prisons plus 450 
idiots in Parliament, thousands of 'politicians' and  an entire group that call 
themselves 'Senators'
Th CRA stated that the response he gave was unacceptable.The man's response 
back to CRA was, ... "Who did I leave out ?" |


Goenkars in amchem bangarachem Goa lucky compared to Canadians!
Regards, GL

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