Covid drugs in black market 

In India anything is possible , leave alone drugs at the time of pandemic.One 
wonders whether it is intended that way to push up the brand. Remdesvir is one 
such repurposed drug  available and  that is sold at a premium and not the only 
specific one Costing officially Rs 5400/ a dose is quoted at Rs 45000 to Rs 
30000/  and is available at short  notice ,without official receipt of 
course.Though there is a talk of crackdown on  hoarders and  black marketeers 
that is mere bakwas.  Why not supply it  directly to hospitals and ask them to 
keep details, instead of demanding Aadhar card as proof.  It  will reduce 
sellers margin  besides  authenticity  and supply will be assured at source 
.There are number of repurposed drugs like Fabiflue  costing rs 75 per tablet 
and  Itolizumbab  at Rs  35000/  per single dose and which are authorised and 
made in  India by   our desi pharmaceutical companies
The clamour for foreign is lingering in our pshyche in spite of cry for self 
reliance by PM. Fortunately there is no black marketing,  in Indian alternative 
, profiteering even though the effect is comparable as preventive and not cure
These are  sure marketing strategies  resorted to promote sales by creating 
artificial demand and short supply and cashing on the misery of those who need 

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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