While on the subject of Doctor's and Corruption, I bring my own personal 
experience re treatment for piles.

My brother had acute piles problem for some years during which he had undergone 
two operations (one laser at Juhu Mumbai) but the problem persisted.  He then 
while reading a book - Home Encyclopedia by J B Lobo, 7th edition, page 293, 
among with various cures listed for Piles, tried the following one and was 
cured in 5 days:

Slice an Onion and mix it with curds and have it twice a day, for 7 days.  He 
was cured in 5 days and has not experienced piles for the last 3 years.

A year back when I had Piles, I followed the above, but 3 times a day and was 
cured in 3 days.

Additionally in our family we make it a point to have 5 or 6 small cloves of 
raw garlic, sliced in tiny pieces and gulped down with water, before sleeping.  
Garlic helps control blood pressure and reduce cardiac diseases.

Also drinking regularly,  Kokum Agal (not sweetened kokum sherbat) -  widely 
available in Goa, diluted with water is also very good for health.  These are 
from my own personal experiences.

Joseph Fernandes


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ABBA FATHERS Feast on 07th August

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