Exit polls  speculative trends

It is not fair to rubbish the exit polls .Since all of them are pointing
trends in the same directions, the error and margin is possible. The polls
are not disclosing the methods and  and conclusions arrived at

Under such circumstance should the media channels should not  refrain in
giving widest publicity.

The polls raise hopes of some parties and depress others .It is an exercise
that is an interlude between the clam and storm before actual results. The
poll numbers have never been as close to the  projected figures and there
is always a slip between cup and lips

The issues like demonetisations, farmers distress , suicides, women
security, unemployment, economic downslide, rising prices and escalating
fuel prices, intolerance, pseudo nationalism, public  lynching , cow
politics,  rapes,corruption etc the voters still prefer the authoritarian
rule, then voters wisdom or ignorance must be respected and the
consequences will bear down on everyone

The intelligentsia has protested in loudest terms and resented the
interference in CBI. Judiciary, ED, EC,Income tax and the period ahead is
frought with serious consequences

The Indian politics, essentially elections may be just a fig leaf of
authoritarian democracy

What will happen to Ram Mandir, article 370,  citizens bill, the most
contentious issues will be closely watched

The new term of BJP is expected to be more turbulent, authoritarian
concentrating power in one and half men. The speculations and apprehensions
are justified against their past performance RSS statements

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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