Dear Rico
I am glad you have sent a reminder.  Goanet readers need to see and discuss
what is there in the blog as related to Goa and leave the other issues to
zionists and anti-semites. One relevant issue in that blog is about the
«subaltern classes of the Portuguese colonial empire». These were the
classes patronized by the empire but also marginalized in some way. They
acted as connecting thread of the dispersed treks of the colonial empire,
which Boxer once described as a «shoe-string empire»! Goan doctors, Azorean
prelates, Cabo Verdian administrative bureaucrats were some such «subalter
classes». Oxfored based Indian historians under the leadership of Ranajit
Guha (now retired in Australia) developed the well-knwon «Subalter Studies»
in 80s. Their reading departed from the original Gramscian concept of
subaltern classes, and concentrated on the lower ranks of subalternity as a
third force (popular masses) that were ignored by the imperial elites and
also the nationalist native elites that gained from the transfer of power at
the time of independence. The Subaltern Studies were provoked by the
Naxalbari movement in 70s. 
The analysis of the subaltern elites in the Portuguese empire would be
interesting, particularly to understand why there did not develop any
serious independence movements within the colonies, or without helps from
outside the colonies! My hunch is that the subaltern elites in the
Portuguese colonies had not reached a level of subalternity that could lead
those elites (as it happened in the rest of India or elsewhere in the other
colonial empires) to seek independence.
It is in this connection that I would appreciate any discussion in this
forum. The rest of  «reng-te-teng» of Goanet may continue to entertain the
habitués. Most discussions on Goanet seem to contain nothing that comes even
close to any original research, adding nothing to statement of  one's pet
opinions. There is nothing wrong in that too, except when it gets translated
into nasty wars of words, short of «gai-fosteo»!
Teotonio R. de Souza
From: "Frederick \"FN\" Noronha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] (2)
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Guys, let's discuss ... preferably it's
view of Goan history, it's biases and perspectives, and related
Why do you'll guys fly off to Israel, the West Bank and other parts of
the globe at the slightest pretext? As you probably know, we humble
South Asian residents and 'desi' citizens have a lot of difficulties
in getting visas to visit different parts of the globe. (I almost got
refused a visa to Bangladesh recently! But that might have had
sometime to do with my disreputable profession.)
So let's stay in *Goa* while on GOAnet. Stay ONtopic, unless you have
a good pretext not to. Avoid abuses and name-calling, however you
dislike another Goanetter's point of view. This is what Goanet rules
requires us to do. --FN

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