This is what Henrique Salles da Fonseca wrote in 2006:

Message: 8
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 2009 18:12:48 +0100
To: goanet <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Goans lived in misery under Portuguese

"The main purpose of Teotonio is to blame Portugal and nothing
else! However, he lives in Portugal and is paid by a portuguese

Fortunately the Portuguese Universities maintain better standards than those recommended by this gentleman whose nationalism differs little from the former Salazar regime and would recommend history of the boot-lickers as impartial history. To get an idea of his mentality, you may google and find what he wrote some years ago (2006). A translation is provided for those who may have difficulty in following the message in Portuguese:

O site congrega os goeses anglófilos que ao
fim de 45 anos ainda não sublimaram os complexos de colonialismo e
que se opõem à Lusofonia com uma sanha típica de verdadeiros
inimigos. O "dono" do dite é um jornalista chamado Frederick Noronha
que regressou da diáspora em Bombaím e vive novamente em Goa
(Margão?). Há também um Grupo que gira em torno do e-mail
goa...@g... Ando por ali há cerca de um ano a "medir forças" com os
que, tendo nome português, se comprazem a maldizer de Portugal e dos
portugueses. Poderei não ter ganho a guerra mas já venci várias
batalhas e obriguei alguns a conter o palavreado. Mas sinto
necessidade de companhia pelo que sugiro aos membros deste Grupo que
dominem o inglês que apareçam por lá a fim de que eles continuem a
saber que nós não estamos numa de consentir que eles tudo digam

[Translation: The site http:/// is a gathering of anglophile Goans who after 45 years have not been able to sublimate their colonial complexes and oppose Lusophony as its dedicated enemies. The "owner" of the site is a journalist called Frederick Noronha who returned from diaspora in Mumbai an resides once again in Goa (Margão?). There is also another group that revolves around goanet. I have been trying for nearly a year now to "check" those who bear Portuguese name, but take pleasure in speaking ill of Portugal and the Portuguese. I may not have won the war, but have certainly won several battles and forced some to contain their verbiage. But I feel the need of company to pursue this, and wish to appeal to members of this group who master English language to join forces to prevent that whatever is said in the forum does not go unchecked.

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