                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


From: "Joe Lobo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 9:34 PM
Subject: Re: the drug scene in Goa and Scarlett Kealing

> Ms. Birkmeyer,
>  You`ve  certainly done a   service to many overseas goans  who are
> oblivious of  the  sea-side troubles  that  they  generally steer  clear
> of, ( being  family  folk  who  are  spending  more  time  socializing
> with  old family ties) when they  occasionally   visit  Goa.
> While  NDTV is  quite  comprehensive  in  exposing a lot  of  the  seamier
> side  of  the  tourist  trade.........(note  the  Russians  and  the
> Israeli crowd  who with the  patronage  of the  Goa  tourism  officials
> and the  panchayats concerned have  found  a niche  to peddle  their
> services  and  ,maybe   illegal  narcotics to visiting  western
> tourists.........they  will have  no  inhibitions  in  involving  many  of
> our  own  greedy  local  goans........who  would  like to have  a slice of
> the  action).
>  I  would  remind  you, though,   to  take  into  account  the  words  of
> the  mother  of  the  victim, Fiona,  a  few  days  ago  when  she  said
> that  she`s  not  quite  sure that  the  goan  police  have got  the
> right  guys  for  all the  events  that  transpired  that  night / early
> morning   at/   around  the  Lui  shack.   Is  there  still  a cover-up
> sheilding  more  politically  well- connected  men/ agents ?
>       Did  you  notice  that  the  doctor   who  did  the  first  autopsy
> seemed  to  have  conveniently missed  obvious  repeated
> signs..........ie  obvious physical  trauma in  the  genital  area ?
>  Did  you  notice  that  the  local  police  officer (  who  has  been
> suspended)  was  quick  to  offer  advice  to  the  mother  to  ship  the
> body  home  to England  for  burial ?
>      A few  other  things seem  to  not  exactly  add  up...........but
> as  a villager in   Saligao once  mentioned  to me.....  alot  of  local
> events  which  invove  north  indians.... be  they  the  Mallyas, other
> rich  folk  from  Delhi and  the UK.....seem  like  " wheels  within
> wheels  "  of  the   medieval arrangements  of   the  1700`s.
>  But  that`s  Goa  for  you...................... despite  the  temporary
> early  closing of  bars   & party  shacks announced  by  the  Home
> Minister today........the  criminal  element  will just  shift the  scene
> to   venues  more  amenable  to  them.

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